B1cKsurN's Replies

Comic books are stupid. That's what you just did. No, the media would have praised the move....they would have praised literally everything she did. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." That's hilarious, but you spoke first by saying it. No, but you're homophobic. I will when trump burns down his house with his pets inside. Science jumped the shark years ago. It's become religion at this point. "A fool and their money are soon parted" Make your voice known. [url]https://dissenter.com/discussion/begin?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rottentomatoes.com%2Fm%2Fcaptain_marvel[/url] Did you get drumpf this time? Lots of bad movies make money. Fix those issues one at a time. We don't need to jack up the debt 93 TRILLION. Who is going to pay for this? The West is what holds back globalization. The globalists hate this, so we must go. [url]https://dissenter.com/[/url] ALL sites now have a comment section. Unsurprising...this entire website is the result of triggered snowflakes and political butthurt due to SJW propaganda a la Ghostbusters ATC and a presidential election. Didn't Netflix do the same thing when Amy Schumer's stand up went horrible? It's racialist and has nothing to do with the environment. Why must they try sneak in their racist agenda with other actual bills? ReAL CoMmUNiSm hAS NEvEr BeeN TrieD. It never will. Face it. Human greed always wins. Yeah, no. Nice try tho. Sorry, but high demand for racism(progressives), is just not in supply(everyone Progressives call racist). The narrative just doesn't line up with reality. These gaslight posts greatly reinforce this. People are stupid. They think lower taxes means bigger returns....morons.