B1cKsurN's Replies

If the wall didn't work they wouldn't be so against it. They want illegals to come here, they are votes. They want amnesty. Fill as much as you can, then amnesty. Power forever...and people think have a seat at the table. Please. Jerusalem's wall dropped terrorists attacks 90%, it works. People can cry their 'muh race isms' all they want, but I'm fucking tired of watching people I know ruin their lives, or die from pill addictions. So much ad hominem, so little substance... Signs of intelligence: Negative. Bad NPC. Don't mind Froggy.... He/she has major Trump Derangement Syndrome, and it appears they are now wandering out of their chamber of hate. Who cares? Why is so much attention given to what is between people's legs, what their skin color is, and who they're fucking? Why is this now the most important thing, and not intelligence, character, and/or confidence? Clearly an agenda. They are gearing up for the Kalgeri plan/UN Migration pact. White people resist globalization, and the globalists do not like this. It's unbelievable that people need to be spoonfed plots now. Now they are praying for a disease? Can't make this shit up! They're already doing that. The alt-right label at this point is pretty meaningless. It will be swapped out soon enough. Isn't there an episode of DS9 where Quark & Nogg are in the past, but their Universal translators are broken so the army men are hearing the Ferengi language until they fix them? Holy shit the NPC thing actually started 10 years ago? How did we collectively miss this? LITERALLY SHAKING! Ralphie shot his eye out. Take a look...it's in a book! Who fucking cares? Stop applying modern day politics to everything from the past. Get help. I haven't seen that yet! The Mueller investigation is a progressive quarantine. As long as they are glued to their TVs and monitors 24/7, they wont be out in the streets stabbing people due to TDS. It will conclude on January 21st, 2021, or 2025. I've been reporting the ladder campaigns as they incite illegal activity. He's back doing the YouTube circuit. AVGN, and Red Letter Media have some new vids with him. Freddy absolutely is powered by fear of him, Nancy says it herself in part 3. Kincaid says it in part 4, and Lisa reads it from Nancy's diary in part 2. Marxists just want to destroy our culture so they can have their little revolution.