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Main Difference Between WaterGate & TrumpGate

In WaterGate the FBI had a patriotic man of integrity leaking information to the press to keep the FBI honest. In TrumpGate Mueller was completely hidden and opaque for 2 years while he crafted a cover-up to same the image of America.

Mueller, another one of the guys who who lied to get us into the Iraq war, to ... a solid scheming Republican SOB who the media had two years to go over and over and over again about how honest and patriotic he was ... balderdash!

I don't buy this investigation, this is the "deep-state", the "deplorables" and the "establishment" all pulling together to keep America from looking bad and changing.


the meeting in trump tower should have been mentioned wonder what the report really says and yes it was strange how noting leaked


Mueller had a team of all sorts of high profile prosecutors and experts, all with liberal bonafides.


Even though Mueller was a Republican.




He was appointed by Republicans and his team were staffed with Republicans and Democrats alike


That was my point. Liberals attested to his impartiality all throughout. Do you see how it was a non-sequitur to say Mueller was a Republican?



Doggiedaddy has a dozen threads glorifying each new member added to Mueller's team.


> it was strange how noting leaked

Not strange that the establishment is taking things seriously, unlike the
people, and making notes of history, what happened, why, and how to
avoid it next time. The main thing about our system is that it is ... I
hate to use a Trump word, but fake, and Trump is the fakest of all, that
is, they must maintain control of reality, through shouting people down,
controlling the media, secret no-tell contracts, whatever.

Somehow between winning WWII and now a certain class of people either
evolved within the Military Industrial Complex or infiltrated it from outside
but the basic tenet of America has been to exist to protect the rich.

Anything they want they get, they need obey no laws, and they need pay
no taxes. They also do not respect the land except for that they can get
out of it that is profitable. The rest of us are the masses to be feared,
controlled and used for profit. Starve them of good food, health care,
education, and paint a distorted picture of the world, but one that cannot
be challenged.

Maybe that took two years.


I'm sure there were liberal leaning FBI agents on the investigation team looking at it. Remember Lisa Page and that other person that got fired by Mueller for leaked text? Yeah, they were liberal leaning agents.


Even though they were equally critical of Clinton and trashed her in their text messages too? I never understood how anyone could accuse them of liberal bias when they were so critical of BOTH candidates. Fox Noise would always just play up the anti-Trump txts and never mention the anti-Clinton stuff. That's how propaganda works, it's deliberately misleading like that.

The FBI is a law enforcement agency dominated by conservatives, that's just one of those professions that leans heavily toward being dominated by those of conservative ideology.

That said, I'm not ready to write off Mueller or his report as a whitewash yet when we have no idea what's in the report. All we have is a deliberately misleading 4 page letter from a handpicked AG Trump nominated to whitewash the report and who has a well documented history of doing exactly that for Republican presidents.


No, the difference is WaterGate actually happened. The other did not.


Always nice to hear from the uninformed. Ever the moron Rudy Guilianni said there were crimes committed, but he left it up to the Congress to do the charges ... refusing after 2 years of doing his best to cover things up to make it even more difficult to out this fake President.


Are you a Russian Collusion Truther?


Do you doubt for a moment that Trump has so much more in common with Russian oligarchs than he does with the American and global workers that he rips off, cheats and lies to so authentically?
