B1cKsurN's Replies

RFK had a parasite in his brain... it ate a bit of it. We're probably taking like miniscule amounts of actual brain matter. But most people are dumb as rocks and they will assume he was shoving worms up his nose or something. Read up on the Whig Party.... The Whig Party being forced out of existence is what created the modern day Uniparty. Lincoln was a member of the Whig Party. When the Whigs dispersed, the majority members became Democrats(thus ending the Party of Jefferson)...and Lincoln formed the Republican party. This whole man vs bear debate is fucking stupid. I would prefer a man over a bear any day for the following reasons... a) I can out run a man b) I have a chance fighting the man c) I cannot outrun a bear, they have top speeds of 35 mph d) I have 0 chance fighting a bear and will most likely die e) Bears eat people f) a Man generally doesn't eat people g) A man can be reasoned with, a bear will eat you. Thanks Joe....for causing the problem you're pretending to solve! Vote Trump! ♫♫ And the worms ate into his brain!! ♫♫ -Pink Floyd <blockquote>The game is rigged so that nobody other than a Republican or a Democrat can win the Presidential election</blockquote> You can thank Lincoln and the dispersed Whig Party for this... Best Comment from the video(that I didn't need to watch)... <b><i>"Hahaha guns are outlawed in Colombia yet gun violence is out of control."</i></b> That's America's future if the lefty communists have their way... <blockquote>CARNAGE CARNIVAL OF THE WEST</blockquote> ...that literally half the world is trying to force their way into... 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 "America Sucks" posts are coping posts of the highest order...especially from foreigners. Any debate starring Poopy Pants Joe has to be carefully crafted and curated...or he will go down in flames. The Pharaoh's revenge! IT FUCKED THE GLOBAL ECONOMY....who cares <i>when</i> it ended?? The double-digit inflation it caused is STILL HERE. It must be nice to be so privileged like you are, to not have to hedge your food on credit cards. Man you prove how braindead you are with every post. You made all that up lol. Weirdo. Hold on, let me translate your post so normal, sane people can read it... "I'm an unhinged lunatic with TDS." Thanks to SCOTUS...lot's of people were saved from the tyranny. But companies <b>did</b> fire a metric fuck ton of people for it. Did they all deserve to lose their jobs over a shot that didnt work? Fuck no, they didn't. Red Cross has been slow dripping that they won't able to use vaccinated blood pretty soon. That doesn't even make any sense!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Lol, you guys are desperate to attach a derangement syndrome to others no matter what it is! The only cop that's not a bastard is Michael Byrd. They have this weird 'guilt by association' nonsense in that if you breathe the same air as a bad person, your as bad as them. It's pretty insane. On a side note...isn't the rhetoric in these MSM articles getting completely more and more unhinged in the language that's being used? What evidence do you have that Putin is stupid and/or not interesting? Seems that unelected people are ending up in positions of high power...somehow.