B1cKsurN's Replies

If people don't buy EVs, then what? I will spend the extra bucks on gas so I don't have to... a) Be dependent on the iffy electrical grid b) Worry about the $20k battery replacement (Equivalent of $50 of gas for 1 Year) c) Worrying about dying in a random explosion Also, what makes everyone think Oil Companies are just going to go along with their empires being taken away from them?? EVs! Brought to you by Fossil Fuels! Green Energy!! Brought to you by Fossil Fuels! Literally everything... Brought to you by Fossil Fuels! <blockquote>have to find some other issue to stake your relevance on</blockquote> Don't need to. Americans know if they continue to vote blue, they will be scavenging for food in dumpsters. Even the fake polls reflect this. Umm no... it's still quite fresh in the minds of those of us that had to suffer through the entire ordeal. Thanks to us, you will NEVER move on from it. <b>Ever</b>. BTW. isn't time for your next booster? I don't think they are incompetent. I think they know exactly what they are doing. They are evil. Who? Trying to force an experimental injection into everyone or they lose their jobs and shit definitely qualifies. I dunno, I'm sure sex with Stormy Daniels is pretty offending... Now do Biden after yesterdays revelation.... Something I don't understand... So in their fantasy, the electing of Trump was the Banana Republic moment, but instead of the Democrats coming into save the Republic from Banana status, they just quadrupled down on the Bananas instead. How exactly does that make good for their side's argument? And Stormy done gone and perjured herself...lmao. Biden is such a good father, he <b>showers</b> his daughter with <i>nakedness</b>... Aged like Milk lol Didn't Asley confirm, what we've already known, yesterday? They are always wrong... there's no reason to listen or believe their BS lol. "HEY HEY HO HO JEWISH ZIONISM HAS GOT TO GO!!!" Chants like that? 100,000 people showed up...who cares a if few went home early. <blockquote>a dangerous pathogen</blockquote> To 86 year olds with 4 co-morbidities. Are we counting the mail-in votes with mismatching, and/or no signatures? What about the votes with post-dated markings? Dude's fucking braindead. These lefty chaos-agents all use this 'purposeful obtuseness'... it's out of control. It's like being in a DayCare and all the 3 year olds are asking "Why?" over and over and over again. The right isn't obsessed with trannies and bathrooms. That's projection. People do not want men in girlface harassing and attempting to diddle their child daughters.