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UK Getting Something Right...will not sign up for tyranny.

And neither should the USA...

We have 13 days... Call your Reps NOW!


Article seems to be about supplying developing countries with vaccines.
wheres the tyranny?


The politicians and bureaucrats are gathering in Satan’s hometown on the 27th to grant broad powers over matters of public health to the WHO, including declaring pandemics and dictating health care responses in member countries.


I guess thats possible and could be interpreted as tyranny.
The article doesent mention that though , it seems to be all about sharing out the vaccines to poorer countries.


It's all rubbish really. If anything major actually happened, and the WHO insisted on draconian policies for every country who had signed up to the pandemic accord - most goverments would just tell them to fuck off. The WHO have zero way to enforce anything.




most goverments would just tell them to fuck off.

178+ governments signed the Agenda-21 in 92.

This pandemic treaty that they are proposing is tied to Agenda-21/Agenda-2030.

The countries that sign this treaty on the 27th will be screwed.


>178+ governments signed the Agenda-21 in 92.

You mean the **NON-BINDING** "Agenda-21" bill? What is your issue with it anyway, specifically?

>The countries that sign this treaty on the 27th will be screwed.

No, as I said: If anything major actually happened, and the WHO insisted on draconian policies for every country who had signed up to the pandemic accord - most goverments would just tell them to fuck off. The WHO have zero way to enforce anything.


The WHO will be able to enforce it "through the governments" that agree and sign the treaty.


And how will they do this if the governments tell them to go fuck off? And what does a non-binding treaty have to do with anything?


Which part did you miss where I stated 'agree and sign it'?

If they don't agree/sign than there's nothing the WHO can do to enforce anything.

Only an idiotic government/country would sign that treaty.


>Which part did you miss where I stated 'agree and sign it'?

Means fucking nothing given that the original 'Agenda-21' thing was non-binding, and the WHO has zero enforcement mechanisms if a country decides to not bother.

>If they don't agree/sign than there's nothing the WHO can do to enforce anything.

Even if they do sign there's nothing the WHO can do. With what army will they do shit with?


Once again, if a particular country signed it, the WHO would use the countries own government/military/police to enforce it.

A proxy enforcement, which also means that it doesn't have to be binding, they just have to sign the agreement like they did with Agenda-21.


>Once again, if a particular country signed it, the WHO would use the countries own government/military/police to enforce it.

And how would they do that? They have no control over the UK government/military/police. If the government tells them to fuck off - what is it the WHO would somehow be able to do? Why would the military listen to them?

>A proxy enforcement, which also means that it doesn't have to be binding, they just have to sign the agreement like they did with Agenda-21.

You're just making shit up now. Countries sign up to non-binding agreements all the time. It's international virtue signalling.


It doesn't matter that they don't have their own personal enforcement arm because in nearly every signatory country the leadership will default to WHO dictates and say that they have no other recourse because it's a binding treaty.


When has this happened ever, at something that would as contentious as lockdowns, vaccine mandates, social distancing etc?


Is that a joke?


Countries chose to react to COVID. No-one forced them to do so. Your claim is that the WHO would force these down the line to do regardless of what the current administration of those countries thought.


Where did I claim the WHO would force anything? I didn't.

But the leadership of most Western countries (and beyond) will default to WHO recommendations and dictates because they're all part of the same tribe.


Right then, so this whole thing is a nothingburger. They might do so or not do so regardless of this treaty.

>But the leadership of most Western countries (and beyond) will default to WHO recommendations and dictates because they're all part of the same tribe.

That's up to its people to elect parties that would not follow WHO demands then.


So in your mind, they're crafting this agreement and going through the bother of submitting it to members states just for shits and grins? After all, it "might or might not" be adhered to when the time comes.

You still think it matters that we vote? Have you devoted any attention to what the German establishment is doing to the AfD, for example? We're not voting our way out of any of this. It won't be permitted.


I very much doubt, say, in 30 years time, that a government would implement the WHO conditions if the population was widely against it and doing so would cause mass protests that they couldn't control.

>You still think it matters that we vote? Have you devoted any attention to what the German establishment is doing to the AfD, for example? We're not voting our way out of any of this. It won't be permitted.

Germany does not define the entire world, and the AFD have an active elected official implicated in trying to coup the government in 2022. Birgit Malsack-Winkelmann was part of the 2022 coup d’état plot to overthrow the government. In preparation of the coup, she helped members of the Reichsbürger movement gain entry to the Bundestag. She is currently a member of the party court of arbitration of the AfD.

"The perpetrators of the recent attacks on progressive politicians turn out to be right-wing extremist, and Jörg Urban, chairman of the AfD in Saxony just blamed SPD for this by “causing a heated atmosphere in our society.”

Some more “fun”-facts about AfD that highlight just how racist, xenophobic, nationalistic, fascist and generally awful this party is, and how they absolutely want to take Germany back to 1939:

⁠⁠⁠Here are some quotes from AfD politicians:
• Carsten Härle: “The ‘German Reich’ didn’t fall in 1945.”

• Mirko Welsch: “Deport Antifa members to Buchenwald. Labour instead of left-wing terror”

• Alexander Gauland (honorary chairman): “Mr. Höcke doesn’t move the party to the right. Mr. Höcke is the centre of the party.”

• Björn Höcke (talking about the Holocaust memorial in Berlin): “So far, our state of mind, our state of mind is still that of a totally defeated people [applause from his audience]. We Germans - and I’m not talking about you patriots who have gathered here today - we Germans, our people, are the only people in the world who have planted a monument of shame in the heart of their capital [applause from his audience].”

• Björn Höcke: “Germany for Germans.” (Nazi Slogan).

• Björn Höcke: “Alles für Deutschland” (Nazi Slogan). Courts just fined him €13k for that one.

• the federal leadership: “We are to blame for everything. We need a total revolution. There’s no end to the total system change. This whole ‘policy’ and its hacks should be set on fire.”

• Stefan Scheil: "'Gene tests', which can be used to analyse one's ethnic-racial origin, are particularly popular in the supposed 'melting pot' of the USA; the mere fact that such tests are possible is a striking refutation of the widespread ideological lie that race is merely 'a social construct'. [...] Indeed, the phenotypic identity of whites is far more 'unstable' than that of virtually all other races due to their more recessive genes; had Heidi Klum fathered children exclusively with Seal, the genetic possibility of 'Heidi Klum' would have been completely wiped out in her lineage (Boris Becker, on the other hand, seems to possess true Wotansdonner genes that can produce all-white children with African features). [...] New York is something like the prototype of the 'Babylon' of the coming world civilisation that some globalists dream of. In Manhattan, flooded with people, you often see a street scene in which there is not a single white person to be seen among the masses of black, brown and yellow people."

• Bernd Pachal: “I always say to GG-lovers (the GG (Grundgesetz; basic law in English) is our constitution): It’s quite simple, just a few amendments to the Basic Law, it wouldn’t be the first. The following amendments to the Basic Law: Firstly: The Office of the Federal President will be awarded for life. That saves the taxpayer immense costs. Secondly: the office will be renamed “Kaiser”. It will no longer be called Bundespräsident, but Kaiser. So what? Thirdly: the office goes to the person who would be been in the rightful order anyway. That saves us the embarrassing election circus.”

The leader of the Thuringia AfD, Björn (“Bernd”) Höcke, sued some groups that were calling him a fascist for defamation. He lost that suit because the court determined he is in fact a fascist and thus can be correctly called that. Any subsequent attempts from Höcke to stop people from calling him “fascist” or “Nazi” have been rejected by the courts. I can legally call anyone a fascist until they decide to sue me for it. However, Höcke can actually be called a fascist legally after he sued. He won his suit in the first instance, but the verdict was appealed and overturned on appeal. Quote from that verdict: “the applicants have sufficiently substantiated that their value judgement was not “plucked out of thin air”, but was based on a verifiable factual basis.” So it’s not just a matter of freedom of speech, the courts determined that fascist is an accurate description for Höcke."

Germany has strict laws against this stuff, for obvious reasons. But it also isn't every western country. And AFD are still not banned anyway.


All of these copy and pasted examples (and you really should provide a source for these) involve AfD members running afoul of the ruling class's morality and nothing more. They said frightening things, therefore "democracy" says that they and the people who support them must be deprived of their...uh, democracy.

You and other defenders of fascism reflexively lash out at anyone who sees what you're up to. It's really shameful.


>All of these copy and pasted examples (and you really should provide a source for these) involve AfD members running afoul of the ruling class's morality and nothing more. They said frightening things, therefore "democracy" says that they and the people who support them must be deprived of their...uh, democracy. arrested for involvement in the 2022 German coup attempt. Bjorn Hocke fined.

>They said frightening things, therefore "democracy" says that they and the people who support them must be deprived of their...uh, democracy.

Many of them said things that indicates an obvious contempt for democracy should they attain office. Nonetheless, AFD are still on the ballot.

>You and other defenders of fascism reflexively lash out at anyone who sees what you're up to. It's really shameful.

Bjorn Hocke himself tried to silence people for calling him a fascist. A detail. Does that make him a fascist?

What do you think of the attempted coup in 2022 in Germany?

I won't be lectured to by a racist who openly refuses to vote for people based on the colour of their skin.


And yes, that is more-or-less how most international agreements work. There's fuck all any international pressure group can do to force countries to implement things they signed up to should the time call for them to actually do it, per whatever the treaty says.


Well, I may have spoken too soon.

It appears that the UN has been sending soldiers in the guise of illegal migrants to the USA and other countries in Europe.

They are being facilitated & funded by our Government and various NGOs.

It appears that the WHO has their own “enforcement arm” for the next Disease X plandemic.

The UN can organize millions of migrant soldiers to POLICE citizens of USA and other countries.


>It appears that the UN has been sending soldiers in the guise of illegal migrants to the USA and other countries in Europe.

Any evidence for this whatsoever?


Yeah, I'd like to see foreign agents try to police Americans... that's not going to end well.


The WHO can shove that pandemic treaty down their throats.


After shoving it up their asses first : P



It's bad enough the people we elect don't care about us - let alone another body that doesn't even pretend to be democratic.


Seems that unelected people are ending up in positions of high power...somehow.
