B1cKsurN's Replies

Dr. DindWhu Nuttin In the Pol board, we call him The QuestionMaster. Astroturfed debate for an astroturfed "President". The amount of fear they all have of Trump is mystifying...it's a different level of fear I've never seen in my life. Crazy. How does this help the destruction of our children's future by allowing millions of illegals pour over an open southern border? How does a good day at the market help average Americans afford groceries? Democrats caused that problem. USA has never been an empire. Who is the Emperor? <blockquote>Apparently you are too stupid to know how polls works</blockquote> Credibility killer right off the bat... no surprise there. <blockquote>If this poll showed that Trump was in the lead by 1% you would be screaming about it.</blockquote> Actually I wouldn't. I know how polls work...and I know how certain types of statistics are bullshit and can be manipulated to drive an agenda. The country is way too politically divided for 1165 people to represent anything. People also lie a lot. I'm ignoring your deflection attempt, as I don't care about Kristi Noem. Work on your credibility. Not helping Red Lobster... https://www.timeout.com/usa/news/heres-the-full-list-of-red-lobster-restaurants-that-are-closing-permanently-and-why-051524 Many businesses are preparing for economic disaster if Biden is reelected. The average daily market is not an accurate reflection of the true economy until the quarterly reports. <blockquote>You seem to be fixated on bear combat</blockquote> It's the basis of my post...? <blockquote>Why are you so scared of bears btw?</blockquote> Why are you so afraid of a man? That's something I'd never admit...so you're more afraid of me, than a bear? Neat. I'm not afraid of you. "but muh gun" yeah, you got a gun....are you willing to shoot a man? Bears don't shoot back. Men do. I respect wild animals because I'm intelligent. Wild animals will attack and kill you. Having no respect for that fact will get you killed. Doesn't matter if its a bear, a wolf, a coyote, mountain lion... doesn't matter. Hey, you do you bro... but I'll continue to respect nature and be alive. https://youtu.be/ij3wbx67zwY?si=QrFJKY53xgCWHJt7 https://youtu.be/NMEaBLEjgDY?si=YTItEThnlWM8y-Hr https://youtu.be/J8Ak5_8nmX0?si=DaH5oS1asa-XCz7w https://youtu.be/WDb2QTYYHUI?si=SQ3oa8UWOPGyC7-X Ashley confirmed it herself days ago...try to keep up. Anyways, Vote Trump! Now the bear is small... lol. This is just like the 103lb Black belt girl thinking she's able to beat up any man... Reality says no lol. LMAO All this poll shows is that 1,184 people out of 330 million hold this opinion... it is not reflective of the entire country. Seeing a bear in the woods, and fighting a bear are 2 different things. You are not winning a fight with a bear. Yes, black bears. And you are right... they are not aggressive. Still not winning in a fight. Still got scared shitless, still ran in the house. Wait, we're on the internet... Yes, wrestle bears all the time and I win most of the time! 🙄🙄🙄 Agreed. The area is too grey. The reality of it all is that <b>MEN</b> have made the world so safe from every potential threat in nature, that the only threat to man left...is man. So many qualifiers, so much cope. Have fun with a wild animal that can/will kill you. You obviously have never encountered an actual bear. It doesn't matter what color it is... You WILL get scared as fuck, you WILL panic, you WILL shit your pants, and you WILL try to run away. This "I feel safer taking on a bear" is such cringing cope...you aren't fighting a bear...ever. You will be running and shitting your pants like everyone else would be. All of the trials are falling apart because they are all bullshit. Imagine resting all your political hopes on a fucking stripper. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 The desperation is smellier than the weed. It won't matter...people need to eat. The only things that read like conspiracies...are Yahoo political articles.