MovieChat Forums > SusieQ > Replies

SusieQ's Replies

Where did I say otherwise? No, no, don’t make fun of my typos! It’s too much! Too much I tell you! Your theory falls apart when you consider that affleck was the best part or batman vs superman. In justice league he sucked though. I believe that it’s just that these films aren’t very good. Batman vs superman was ok once we got the ultimate cut, but even then it wasn’t great. Justice league sucked from start to finish. The love child of two directors with very styles was never going to work. Especially when entire plots were removed that left reasons for performances, most notably of affleck batman, disjointed and in some ways incoherent. That being said, you are not wrong. There should be much more time between reboots/reimaginings. Spider-Man is the worst offender for that. Sony when from spider man 4 to scraping it for the amazing Spider-Man. Then went from the amazing Spider-Man 3 to scraping that for homecoming. It’s ridiculous. It’s like Sony are run by kids with ADD. I look forward the time when reboots stop being a thing, or at least not a go to at pitch meetings. In a Hollywood office somewhere, two men sit throwing ideas back and forth... “It’s like Star Wars, but with a Miami vice feel” “Screw it! Let’s just call it Star Wars and say we are reimagining it!” A year later the Star Wars logo flashes on the screen followed by.. A long time ago, in a drug filled Florida city far far away... Yup, that pretty blatant. You’re not supposed to talk about that. Oh no, not my typing skills. Anything but that! L O S E R! Lol you’re the butthurt little child. You’re one getting all super angry over nothing. I bet you stomped your feet She you typed “this is my thread!” Lol. Pathetic little loser. Actually, it was auto corrects fault. But hey, I don’t want to take away your only weapon in this argument. You need all the help you can get. And condsideri you just went fucking mental calling me a dumb bitch unprovoked in another thread, I think it’s pretty clear you are a sexist peice of shit. Just another angry little man pissed off at the world cause you can’t get a women to touch you. Bye, bye little keyboard warrior. Bye, bye. Wow, didn’t take long for the “dumb bitch” stuff to start. Funny how you say you’re not sexist but one challenge to your little ego and it’s full rage mode. You should seek help. I mean just so you don’t have to keep going through keyboards, not cause you’ll actually get into any real trouble. We know that prissy little keyboard warriors like yourself are giant pussies in the real world. That why so much anger on the internet. Anyway, in answer to you’re dumb fuck assertion that it’s always been about the skywalkers, all I can say is the mountains of video games, tv shows, books comics etc would beg to differ. The central movies have always been about the skywalkers, that doesn’t mean Star Wars is ONLY about skywalkers. Oh I know exactly what you were doing and it wasn’t what you say it was. And Palme and Leia weren’t the centeral Jedi. See you’ve went right into defending it which tells anyone with eyes that you weren’t “just making fun”. And even if it was, all you are actually doing is saying is belittling the people that stand against that way of thinking. And telling me to chill out? You’re the one getting all carried away over a movie. Where did you get that from? Sounds like your making things up just so you have an excuse to moan. There can and should be more to Star Wars than the skywalkers family drama. No, he was playing the same Kirk. Different experiences, but same genetics. No one argued they didn’t look alike so it would suck. Depends on your reasons whether you’re a sexist or racist or whatever. But I will say this, you aren’t the lord and master of opinion. You don’t like them, whatever you reasons, that’s fine. No one said you had to. Are you crying because all the loud mouthed sexists have spoken louder than you when it comes to reasons why they didn’t like the movies? Maybe, just maybe, if you wanted to discuss your valid reasons for disliking the films e could all do that, but it seems you just want to pretend that all those sexists didn’t shout holy hell as loud as the could because Rey isn’t a man. It may not be the reason you dislike the films, but it is a reason for some and I don’t understand why so many are pretending it didn’t happen. Why does everything have to connect to the OT? If anything the OT is holding Star Wars back. That story is told, leave it alone. The Star Wars universe is huge, time to explore other people an times if need be. As for obi wan, we don’t know what he did in those 17 years. He may have done nothing, he may have done a lot, we don’t know. Wouldn’t that be the point of a movie? Unless you’re looking for an OT connect there as well? Leave the OT alone, it’s story is told. Time to move on. You haven’t seen this yet. Maybe, just maybe, you might want to wait to see the film and performance before moaning about it? How many movies have you seen that had amazing trailers, only to turn out to be terrible? How many movies looked terrible but were actually good? Seems way to many people are just looking to moan. I don’t think he was a good choice based on the the small amount of screen time I saw in the trailer, but you don’t see me moaning all over the place because I haven’t seen the film yet. Open mind and all that maybe? Chris pine looks nothing like William shatner, people still liked those reboot movies enough to ignore it. Depends on where or not you think obi wan sat on his ass in the desert doing nothing for 17 years. As for yoda, there’s 900 years of story there. They’d all be back anyway, they love a good moan. 😂 Luke died bringing hope to the galaxy once more. What better way was there for him to go out? As for the character being gone, I think we know he’s going to be getting his force ghost on in ep 9. Obvious troll post is obvious. And you are the very extreme I was talking about. Pretending it didn’t happen. I’m done with you, you’re nothing more than bigot. A scared little boy too frightened to deal with how the world and the different people in it. And you’re trumpesque way of denying this that don’t fit your current narrative is tiresome. Take care now poppet.