MovieChat Forums > SusieQ > Replies

SusieQ's Replies

The selfish sluts, huh? Like those raped sluts wearing short skirts asking for it? You ask who are you to decide who is happy enough to live, well I ask who are you to stick your big nose into other peoples lives? The right wing looneys are always good for a laugh. Quick as fuck to shout about government interference and the right to have penis extensions, but as soon as it comes to what they believe to be correct every one else is wrong and every one else MUST do what they say. Kick up fuck about women having cells removed, but half a dozen kids get shot to fuck and no one wants to do anything about it. “People will murder people any way, it’s what they do. No point making laws against it”. Yay, that’s how it works. That’s why we don’t have rape laws, or driving laws or laws against every other fucking thing. But making it harder for people to get guns, that would never work. Best to just do nothing, because it’s working so well. Over population is a problem, and stopping life from starting with a pill is no different then when the drunks pull out and come over your back on a Saturday night in the park. Unless of course you consider masturbation to mass murder? That’s so gross, and yet so funny 😂. A new hope was a fluke. No one thought it would make good money never mind become the cultural phenomenon it did. Just ask the bros at Fox if they thought it was going to be anything more than slight return on investment. How else do you Lucas was able to hold on to the rights? Maybe take you’re own advice, dumbass? You keep replying to me saying more stupid shit. You’re nothing more than an up his own arse jj fan boy that started a post calling everybody else an idiot, then changed your sorry story time and again because it’s YOU that’s the idiot. I know you really just want the last word, like most of the losers around here that start arguments but can’t finish them. So you’re on ignore now. No last word for you, loser. Buh bye, buh bye 🖕 As I said, you might as well have used him finishing his dinner as an example of him finishing something. Having a draft, isn’t finishing anything. It’s starting something. You were the one who started being a dick to everyone else, calling them idiots just because they don’t like jj. Sorry, but you’re the idiot. And the more you change your story with every post the more apparent that becomes. Buh bye, buh bye. No, no. The point is only that he finished something. Ya know, cause finshing an outline or draft is the same as finishing a script. The op might as well have used him finishing his dinner as an example of him finishing something for all the relevance it has in this context. 😂 I’m sorry you don’t know how to use the language you speak. If you mention maybe, say maybe. If you think an outline is a completed work, you’re a moron. Buh bye. Who knew buh bye could trigger you as well 😂 lol that’s not a finished work ffs! That a start! That like saying someone finished a draft, so job done. Ffs dude, give it up. Sorry, I don’t buy into your bias and go along with everything you say like a sheep. Always easy to tell the weak minded fools who attack the poster rather than the argument. You presented your point as fact which it wasn’t, you then changed your position to maybe. Just give up, you are right or wrong about jj, this was not the evidence to back up your position. But sure, dig your heels in. No skin off my nose. Buh bye. Having an outline is not a finished anything. A man walks into a bar and buys a drink. He talks with the barman. He leaves. That’s an outline. It’s not anymore complectated than that. It’s not trolling when it’s true. You fan boys need to learn that just because you want a think to be true doesn’t make it so. I don’t hate tfa or jj, but that doesn’t mean this is proof of anything. And I’m not going to pretend it does just to fit some bias or narrative. For this to be proof of what he claims it would have to be a finished script to make hat he said true. I don’t care what he means or what you think he means, that’s not how language works. He already changed it to “maybe” and now you’re giving it “I know what he means.”. It’s not that hard to say what you mean. And considering the op is being smug as fuck in his assertion that he’s right, he can deal with being brought down a peg or two because he is wrong as fuck. Lol so you present an absolute, but are changing it to “maybe” now, and I need to learn to read? I think you need to learn how to read and understand the difference between “he did!” And “maybe he did.”. You said he did, don’t change now and don’t insult me because you look like a muppet. You were wrong, get over it and move on. Don’t double down on being a dummy. So why you are saying you didn’t say that? What’s the point? The point is not that she was dumb fuck, which she is. The point is that the voting system should be changed. Or at least that’s what they said back then, not they don’t care again. It’s only a problem at the time, god forbid they push their leaders to talk about it now. Yeah, it says you’re fucking up where they live and they think you should be putting them up since you droned their homes and schools. A country that has made 8 fast and furious movies says all you need to know about Americans. The only reason you all think you are the greatest is because you have been indoctrinated into thinking it. Constant bombardment of propaganda by your media who are in the pockets of your 1%. Imagine getting angry because someone offered you free healthcare? Imagine being angry because someone offered you free education? Now imagine NOT getting angry at have men and women who served the country with honour being left to rot on the streets because they can’t get access to the benefits they earned fighting in dusty countries for the aforementioned 1%? Greatest country in the world? Pfft, don’t make me laugh. You said “for the idiots that think he never finishes anything” and then followed that up with “apparently he did”. So yeah, you said he finished something, and offered drafts and outlines as proof of that. so you know how to avoid typos, but you don’t know how to use “you’re welcome!” properly? Oh dear, if only you had an argument to make you could have done that instead of being a tired grammar nazi. Not to be “that gal” but drafts and outlines are not a finished work. Jenkins was the perfect choice, but not if you wanted to turn the dccu into an mcu clone. Hiring whedon to “fix” JL was about as playing safe as you can get for the wb. All in all, it’s a mess and they might as well reboot only this time not rush it be the mcu clone they so desperately want the dccu to be. Man of steel was never meant to be a jumping off point for an expanded universe. Batman, needed his own movie first, as did the other characters. If man of steel really was to be the start of the franchise they should have released a batman movie that ended with the scenes at the start of bvs and then moved on to Wonder Woman and then made bvs. Honestly, it’s just all too rushed and no real thought to how to build a franchise. Just wb being money hungry for that marvel cash. Jenkins would have at least kept a tone that fit the way the dccu was, it whedon would bring the fan boys. Just silly, as I think Jenkins would have brought the fanboys and the annoying sjws in droves. Annoying for forums, but good business. Chill And that wasn’t to you, it was to the person who seemed to be making it their life’s mission to defend her. Why you care tha5 she’s an asshole or not, I don’t get either. But you do you.