MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > All 3 prequels are better than the 3 Dis...

All 3 prequels are better than the 3 Disney films

There I said it, I guess that must mean I'm a sexist misogynist or a racist. I mean it couldn't possibly be that the Disney films just aren't that good.


Never thought it would be the case, but it's true. In fact, these recent garbage movies have validated the prequels and made me enjoy them more.


stop repeating that narrative that the msm is pushing, its false

wow, Disney has the press on a tight leash


In all honesty I think people are just afraid to trash Disney. Either that or they thought that the prequels weren't as good as the originals (which is true) so therefore they want the new ones to be good so they can say that the franchise is back but the truth is they are just in denial about how truly awful the Disney films are.


The logic goes something like this:

OT - amazing
PT - awful
ST - feels like the OT and not like the PT therefore they must be good.

The prequels are hugely flawed films but they at least tried new things and were a revolution in film making from a technical perspective. The ST is possibly the worst example of a corporate cash in in history.


OT - amazing
PT - awful
ST - feels like the OT and not like the PT therefore they must be good.



Depends on your reasons whether you’re a sexist or racist or whatever. But I will say this, you aren’t the lord and master of opinion. You don’t like them, whatever you reasons, that’s fine. No one said you had to. Are you crying because all the loud mouthed sexists have spoken louder than you when it comes to reasons why they didn’t like the movies?

Maybe, just maybe, if you wanted to discuss your valid reasons for disliking the films e could all do that, but it seems you just want to pretend that all those sexists didn’t shout holy hell as loud as the could because Rey isn’t a man.

It may not be the reason you dislike the films, but it is a reason for some and I don’t understand why so many are pretending it didn’t happen.


Chill out, I was making fun of the fact that there are people out there who claim that anyone who doesn't like the sequel trilogy just doesn't like stories with strong women. Even though we never had a problem with Padme or Princess Leia.


Oh I know exactly what you were doing and it wasn’t what you say it was. And Palme and Leia weren’t the centeral Jedi.

See you’ve went right into defending it which tells anyone with eyes that you weren’t “just making fun”. And even if it was, all you are actually doing is saying is belittling the people that stand against that way of thinking.

And telling me to chill out? You’re the one getting all carried away over a movie.


How am I belittling anyone? By pointing out that its possible to hate these movies for reasons other than misogyny?

"Palme wasn't the centeral Jedi" Learn to f-cking spell.


Actually, it was auto corrects fault. But hey, I don’t want to take away your only weapon in this argument. You need all the help you can get. And condsideri you just went fucking mental calling me a dumb bitch unprovoked in another thread, I think it’s pretty clear you are a sexist peice of shit.

Just another angry little man pissed off at the world cause you can’t get a women to touch you. Bye, bye little keyboard warrior. Bye, bye.


"And consideri" LOL you suck.

I am going to give you some very honest and helpful advice, leave the fucking internet and get a life. You need one.


Oh no, not my typing skills. Anything but that!

L O S E R!


Susie Q Translation: "I SusieQ don't have the mental capacity to keep up with you TheUltimateHippo. I am a sad pathetic individual and I need to get help. Thank you for putting me in my place."


At this point I'm pretty sure SusieQ is a parody account created to mock hypocritical feminists. Doing a pretty good job at it too!


I think SusieQ has got some serious issues, hopefully someone has her committed.


SusieQ, you really should get professional help.
You are projecting your self hatred onto others. Nothing good ever comes from that.



Yep. And you know something I don't need my heroes to have a happily ever after, I'm happy for them to fail and for their hard won victory to ultimate prove meaningless... *if* that failure is well written.

I read something once that said that Game of Thrones is what really happens in the 'Happy ever after'. After the evil king has been slain and the hero gets the girl and a good man sits on the throne... then what? Well, the story never ends, and we (or most of us) know what happens in GoT.

But we didn't exactly get GoT did we? We got the most cynical, corporate, cashgrab in history.


Disagree. However, the prequels varied in quality, in my opinion. The newer films are more consistent.

I'd say I like the newer films better overall, but none of them are as good as Attack of the Clones.


Yes the new films are consistent, consistently bad. The prequels ranged from really good (ROTS) to meh (TPM). None of them however insulted my intelligence like the new films do.
