MovieChat Forums > SusieQ > Replies

SusieQ's Replies

Call me crazy, but getting unceremoniously fingered against your will by some old dude at random doesn’t make a person a prude because they don’t like it. Who tried to aid the trump campaign. That’s called interference. You were saying something about keeping up? Whether trump knew, was part of, or had no involvement is beside the point. Something happened and the right has been fighting tooth and nail against getting to truth. Why? I wonder if you’d been screaming “fake news” as loudly had the Russians been helping Clinton.... What post? I never made a post. You must be one of those fake post people. Seriously, you’re a fake poster. Just because you don’t want to believe it doesn’t mean there’s no proof. As the guy above me already pointed out, there is proof and enough in fact to bring charges. So maybe it’s time you just owned that you got conned and stop double downing on your ill choice. Don’t feel bad there was no good choice. Me! what are you talking about? I found James to be too far up his own bum. He showed signs of being “alright” but it was only when he forgot there was cameras on him. Shannon was too nice, that’s why she got run over by the rest of the unlikable bunch. Yes you will. Because people don’t want to believe they were wrong. And they’ll go so far to make sure they aren’t wrong that they’ll through there values, morals, beliefs out the window to make sure they were right. Both sides do it. Trump supporters won’t admit or even see the problems that are glaring to anyone else, just like Hilary supporters won’t see her issues. What America really needed to do is what it still needs to do, end the control by the two parties who are destroying the country for greed. Watching America try to decide between trump and Clinton was like watching the elephant man trying to decide which side of his head to part his hair. The corruption is rampant on both sides and until all Americans start to see this, it won’t ever end. If you voted for trump, you were wrong. If you voted for Hilary, you were wrong. Time for the people to come together and force the government into s change that actual serves the people and not just the rich. So trump works with the Russians to make sure he wins the election, but its the fault of the opposition because they want the truth about it? Moviechat, where logic comes to die.