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twinA's Replies

Yes, Super Smash Bros. ! My favorite character to play as is Samus from Metroid. She's incredibly agile and swift. ~~/o/ 1. Jamie Dornan 2. Ray Stevenson How right you are, how right you are... [Adam West impression] There's always hope to uncover things we did not know before. Very little used to be known about ancient Egypt, for example, until archeological finds beginning in the mid-to-late 1800s. This wouldn't have been possible if the Egyptians themselves did not try to preserve and protect the bodies of their dead royalty in an effort to not disrupt their culture, ironically. Hammer Horror film 'The Mummy' from 1959, with Christopher Lee portraying the title character, specifically touches upon this subject here for its story plot. ~~/o/ Culture is greatly tied to identity. Identity is both ascribed (given) and biological (history passed down over time, largely through oral retelling or word of mouth and is not treated the same as textbook history, which is more conventional and only followed when literacy became a thing). It is the beliefs that create the culture, and the culture, in turn, influences the beliefs. The beginning of all beliefs have practical and ideal understandings of our world around us. It is good to talk to all of you again. Cool conversation, by the way. ~~/o/ December 10, 2021 Friday 6:45 PM ET Peter Pan/Banning to Rufio [verbal roast exchange in 90s film 'Hook'. At 1:38 into video]: "I'll tell you what a paramecium is; that's a paramecium. It's a single celled critter with no brain that can't fly! Don't mess with me, man, I'm a lawyer!" ~~/o/ December 7, 2021 Tuesday 4:05 PM ET *Have not seen the film myself yet Brand new construction of physical sets and props can very easily rack up the budget if not using pre-existing locations or materials in order to keep costs down. High quality imaging software use of including additional colors, enhanced tones, and extra lighting or darkened scenes (all filters) done in the post-production editing process to get a certain desired aesthetic or effect is expensive, especially in the late 90s when much of the tech was still experimental and new in the computer generated world. Look at the film 'Bedazzled' (the remake from 2000) and TV series 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' (1997-2003) for these pointers. ~~/o/ December 7, 2021 Tuesday 3:20 PM ET From my experience, I was exposed to black and white films at a very young age (I was born during the 90s); it simply never felt out of place to enjoy those kinds of movies. With greater access to this format, any kind of market, however niche, has an audience to thrive on despite any differences in the way people watch stuff they're familiar with or accustomed to (habit, experienced, or learned). ~~/o/ December 1, 2021 Wednesday 6:50 PM ET *corrected for typos Three likely reasons from the Empire's point of view: 1) The apprehending of single enemy squadron fighters would be a waste of time and resources after achieving the main objective of military victory. 2) Enemy fighters were able to have an organized, armed retreat protected under the cover of fire. 3) Imperial scouting parties determined the remaining rebels either went missing and lost or are hidden by darkness. The Empire was not aware of the significance of the rebel identities nor their importance to the rebel cause, who would have and were abroad the hastily withdrawing convoys. X-Wings are typically piloted by regular soldiers and drifter types rather than those of fame or notoriety (Han Solo being quite an exception for a drifter). ~~/o/ December 1, Wednesday 10:35 AM ET Sounds like contrast shadowing is becoming a popular effect in films again. This allows small details to "pop" in the background, creating a more atmospheric presence in an otherwise smaller space where color with a smaller budget would not give the illusion of a larger set. ~~/o/ November 30, 2021 Tuesday 7:55 PM ET Society in 'Demolition Man' uses corruption as a means of influence instead of violence as an exercise of power. Leadership in San Angeles is a house of cards, where if the rulers are taken out, then everything bottoms out with it too. Any present hierarchy or rank structure is simply to mask the incredible lack of representation by the people. The society in question has ideologically tricked itself into thinking everything is okay, and is in no direct need of meaningful change; incompetency is a welcomed feature or trait, not a pesky bug. Complacency can only be pointed out by an outsider, which is Stallone's character, as well as the viewers themselves watching the film. Not to mention Wesley Snipes' time-frozen, yet equally self-driven wayfarer. ~~/o/ November 29, 2021 Monday 1:05 PM ET Morality = trust Without trust society is only governed by self-interest (x vs y: groupthink). Unity without identity = imperialism Identity without unity = tribalism Unity + identity = "true" religion (in Latin it means "to bind") [b]Source:[/b] the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks [i](Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence)[/i] Film examples (my choice): The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride any version of Romeo and Juliet ~~/o/ October 6, 2021 Wednesday 1:50 AM ET Howdy, NYC! The more things change, the more they stay the same. A familiar face livens things up. ~~/o/ October 6, 2021 Wednesday 1:40 AM ET At its core, among many things, it explores the very nature of the faithful life, especially embodied by the two main characters the story primarily revolves around, who love each other without end--of whom [i]not even death could defeat[/i]. Between the sense of adventure, idyllic landspaces, and behind every lurking corner of imminent danger, romance is curiously intermingled with the perilous preoccupation that is adversity. It is in these struggles of life that we, as highlighted by the cast of our vagabond characters who personally wrestle to work against the odds*; they pursue what is right, confident the mission will succeed. Right, as in: speaking the truth sincerely, no use of purposefully damaging talk or speech, inviting no deliberate harm to friends, oppose those who act wickedly**, keeping promises even when it hurts, and standing up for the innocent, poor, and needy. It's these saintly qualities and descriptors*** which allows triumph to ultimately prevail and what makes them heroes, and not just through their own will power. *not perfect specimens themselves, despite the fairytale setting **righteous anger; justice, or to use an older word often taken out of context, wrath ***not a list of requirements, just something they do naturally (practice; live it out) ~~/o/ October 3, 2021 Sunday 8:35 PM ET *Update: Oct. 3, 2021 Sun. 9:00 PM ET Anything from the civil codes (conditional) are subject to change because they are based on a subset of rules dependent solely on cultural attitudes, mores, customs, and social outcomes. They are suited to directly meet the needs of the people. The moral law however remains fixed, meaning it does not change because it is derived from teachings (tradition) established by consensus (natural law as part of it too). These are (unconditional) principles such as love, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, integrity, humility, contact, honesty, mercy, justice, dignity, *self-control, and patience on which all of humanity and civilization rests. They are self-evident invisible values made visible through deed or action. Being timeless, there's no need to amend the message; only in order that it may be clearly understood without miscommunication or confusion (the reason of its recording and keeping in the first place). ~~/o/ October 3, 2021 Sunday 12:20 PM ET Yeah, prophecies are never meant to be taken word-for-word. If they were, they would instead be predictions. You make pretty intriguing points! At the moment, I can't really think of anything else to add or say. ~~/o/ October 3, 2021 Sunday 12:20 PM ET Thanks for your kindness, Tex! Despite difficulties things are coming along nicely. May you be well. Just like a tree, there are two ends--the top visibly seen above ground, it's growing branches symbolizing the passing of time and all things living; and its roots extending down below, invisible yet constant, characterizing how love, purity, and truth always remain as they are from the source behind all life. I enjoy your good company. See you around. ~~/o/ September 28, 2021 Tuesday 12:30 AM ET With sincere thanks, I shall reflect on your words considerably. ~~/o/ September 28, 2021 Tuesday 12:20 AM ET I appreciate your input and cool feedback. Perhaps Yoda felt powerless, feeling his best days were behind him -- defeated. If I'm understanding you correctly, I can totally see your point that Luke saw Yoda as someone consigned in a rather bleak, hopeless situation; something he did not perceive in his previous 'careful fighter' mentor Obi-Wan, whom he knew a lot better as someone reliable, even if they were largely just recalled memories of wandering tales as told by his Uncle Owen in a neurotic fashion in order to cast suspicion on 'Old Ben' (I'm sure that only did the opposite in Luke's eyes). Luke did say on one occasion "What choice do I have?" to rebuff a retraction directed his way one time. During the saber duel in Bespin's Cloud City, it became abundantly clear Darth Vader was toying with Luke the entire time, swinging his lightsaber in an unsophisticated manner as if he was Happy Gilmore on a golf course. In trying to save his close friends, those he especially cared about in his life, Luke chose action at any cost. ~~/o/ September 27, 2021 Monday 10:35 PM ET I would say no, regardless of how much time had passed during his training with Yoda on Dagobah. Yoda said Luke was not ready. Luke was too headstrong and overly emotional to wield the force wisely. Keep in mind, Luke at this point was extremely familiar with it, certainly no stranger; capable of using it to untold effect. This would easily explain why Yoda acted with so much restraint and hesitation regarding his confidence in Luke and his potential and likely force abilities, being afraid his apprentice would turn to the dark side like Anakin once did out of fear. This last bit here is crucial -- fear -- it's the very thing casting doubt on Yoda, and he might have been too jaded or blinded to see it with Luke; something entirely plausible since even he was unaware of the earlier plot to violently overthrow the Jedi (something he never forgave himself for nor forgotten); his visions clouded by auroric corrosion via Dark Sidious (Palpitine). The problem is, Yoda personally blamed himself for what happened following the conclusion of the Clone Wars given he significantly presided over the intergalactic conflict in a distinguished leadership role. The scene on Dagobah in this film says more about Yoda than anything else, taking into account later revelations on past events through the series. ~~/o/ September 27, 2021 Monday 4:40 PM ET Having not seen 'Irreversible,' it sounds as if eroticism has completely taken over its cinematic world in how people act and behave. Living without consequences, either good or bad, comes off as a "do what you will; do as you please" kind of attitude. There is no past, present, or future because there is no seeking of any of them; only what people can define for themselves based on what they know. It won't work out since there is a difference between 'knowing about' and 'knowing.' For example, how can a loving relationship know they are committed to each other, and say "you're my one, true love" when they are still seeing other people? A better expression here would be "you're first place when it comes to who I love, but the others still come in second, third, and fourth place, though it's you who I care about most." This in mind, how can this be defined as love if it's not the only priority? The kind of priority where 'loyal love' or 'faithful love'* represents unconditional complete trust, where faith is not blind but expressed freely, you know, what marriage is about; creating -- the very act of love. The way a woman loves is different from the way a man shows his love (as is a father's love and a mother's love); having both is marriage. *Older meaning of 'jealous,' ironically ~~/o/