MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It's too bad we don't know a lot about t...

It's too bad we don't know a lot about the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs

Think of all the movies and tv series there could be.


Apocalypto, directed by Mad Mel was pretty awesome but you are correct, there is a dearth of flicks devoted to Pre Columbian Empires in the Americas.

And Post contact the European diseases seem to have wiped out hordes of people due to disease the native peoples were highly vulnerable to. There are probably some great stories to tell there but they simply seem lost to time.


The Inca emperors would kill their brothers and marry their sisters. They were just as bad as the Romans


I feel guilty enough thinking my sisters in law are all pretty cute!

I swear I haven't killed anybody LOL.


They could make booby traps that still work after hundreds of years.


I think the North American Indians had them beat though. All three of the great American civilizations had despotic royalty and priesthoods. I mean compare them to the Romans who had a republic and a certain amount of individual freedom.

The North American tribes had communal societies, but a since of anarchic freedom.

I'd frankly rather know more about the Cherokee and the Iroquois.


I'll tell you something about the Cherokee. All the beads they made by hand are nowadays made in Japan. Actually, China, but China doesn't rhyme with hand.


Yeah, I remember when "made in Japan" was actually a thing. You don't see that nowadays.


I know that buried somewhere in Mexico or the American Southwest is an Aztec clay pot full of human blood that keeps the sun rising every day. If you spill that pot, the sun will disappear from the sky until it is filled with blood from a human sacrifice again.


Interesting theory. I should tell that to Peachy on v1. She's pissed at me because I said human sacrifice is bad.

Is that why the Mexicans stopped human sacrifice?


Maybe, and those fools may have doomed us all if someone unearths that pot and accidentally spills it.


Damn, those Aztecs put a sorta catch 22 in there. If we find it, some dumbass will spill it, and we'll have to start killing fools again.


all cultures have strange beliefs


Culture is greatly tied to identity.

Identity is both ascribed (given) and biological (history passed down over time, largely through oral retelling or word of mouth and is not treated the same as textbook history, which is more conventional and only followed when literacy became a thing).

It is the beliefs that create the culture, and the culture, in turn, influences the beliefs. The beginning of all beliefs have practical and ideal understandings of our world around us.

It is good to talk to all of you again. Cool conversation, by the way.



it's sad they never had a formal writing system. we would know a lot more.


How right you are, how right you are...
[Adam West impression]

There's always hope to uncover things we did not know before.

Very little used to be known about ancient Egypt, for example, until archeological finds beginning in the mid-to-late 1800s. This wouldn't have been possible if the Egyptians themselves did not try to preserve and protect the bodies of their dead royalty in an effort to not disrupt their culture, ironically. Hammer Horror film 'The Mummy' from 1959, with Christopher Lee portraying the title character, specifically touches upon this subject here for its story plot.



Mayans, Incas and Aztecs
Oh My


i don't get it


Has a "lions and tigers and bears" cadence to it


This probably deserves its own post...

"The aging reformed mobster who has admitted stealing a pair of ruby slippers that Judy Garland wore in “The Wizard of Oz” gave into the temptation of “one last score” after an old mob associate led him to believe the famous shoes must be adorned with real jewels to justify their $1 million insured value.",case%20to%20take%20the%20slippers.

"Martin had no idea about the cultural significance of the ruby slippers and had never seen the movie."
