MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Princess Bride (1987).

The Princess Bride (1987).

Briefly speaking, and without providing a link (I am sure you all know this movie), what do we all think of this classic 80s flick, a classic and acclaimed fairytale, starring the guy Cary Elwes who later will go on to appear in flicks like "Kiss the Girls" (1997) and "Saw" (2004) and Robin Wright, and how do we rate it out of 10? Thanks.

Also, what, to you, is the moral of this movie's story and its message? Love conquers all? Good should defeat evil? Actions have consequences?


P.S. In 2003, there was a violent Japanese film that is not officially a remake of it but is heavily based on it called "The Princess Blade", if you want perhaps a lesser good but more adult version of the classic fairytale, feel free to check it out one day, thanks.


I saw it for the first time 2 years ago with the boys and we’ve seen it 3 times since. So great.




October 6, 2021 Wednesday 1:40 AM ET

At its core, among many things, it explores the very nature of the faithful life, especially embodied by the two main characters the story primarily revolves around, who love each other without end--of whom not even death could defeat. Between the sense of adventure, idyllic landspaces, and behind every lurking corner of imminent danger, romance is curiously intermingled with the perilous preoccupation that is adversity.

It is in these struggles of life that we, as highlighted by the cast of our vagabond characters who personally wrestle to work against the odds*; they pursue what is right, confident the mission will succeed. Right, as in: speaking the truth sincerely, no use of purposefully damaging talk or speech, inviting no deliberate harm to friends, oppose those who act wickedly**, keeping promises even when it hurts, and standing up for the innocent, poor, and needy. It's these saintly qualities and descriptors*** which allows triumph to ultimately prevail and what makes them heroes, and not just through their own will power.

*not perfect specimens themselves, despite the fairytale setting

**righteous anger; justice, or to use an older word often taken out of context, wrath

***not a list of requirements, just something they do naturally (practice; live it out)



Hi twinA! Miss you around StoneKeeper's Game! The scoreboard sure must look different since the last time you played!


October 6, 2021 Wednesday 1:50 AM ET

Howdy, NYC!

The more things change, the more they stay the same. A familiar face livens things up.

