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twinA's Replies

Every one who has played James Bond has brought something different to the character. For the Bond films the cool gadgets, international vistas and locales, cool stunt effects, and enamoring love interests are just as important to these series of films. They're not meant to be high art but great crowd pleasing showcases. ~~/o/ I've heard of the British Royal Navy blasting Britney Spears pop songs to thwart off pirates in the Red Sea, east of Africa, but this is ridiculous. [Scribbles incoherently on notepad Macgruber style] ~~/o/ Due to unforseen circumstances, I ended up watching the music video in silence. Boy, the experience was kind of surreal and even had a certain soothing, rhythmic quality to it, in a weird way. ~~/o/ *Daddy Duck voice* Ah ha! Are these gifts or taxes write-offs? This is not a charity, you know. ~~/o/ You and your daughter have a really good relationship together. She felt comfortable enough to tell you what had happened and you respected her by actively listening. That's some pretty incredible trust and bonding. ~~/o/ 1. Humphrey Bogart: 1957 : Daniel Day-Lewis 2. Carole Lombard: 1942 : Harrison Ford 3. William Frawley – 1966 – Jeffrey Dean Morgan 4. John Belushi: 1982 : Anne Hathaway Stars Wars is as much a neo-western as it is a space opera. What I mean by that is it takes inspiration from many of the earlier tv western shows and movies, many of which were done in black and white. Stars Wars adapts them, putting their own spin on it. I personally see a lot of similarities between 'The Mandalorian' and 'Have Gun, Will Travel' since both their main characters take on missions, meet interesting people, all while going to various places. ~~/o/ It's following TV series aired on Cartoon Network, which is part of Warner Bros. Must of been part of a working agreement with them and Lucas' crew. ~~/o/ I did not know about this. Thanks for sharing. Hong Kong's urban density never ceases to be visually striking. ~~/o/ You're like peanut butter - you'll stick around. The bread crust does not stay together by itself. ~~/o/ Oh wow, dude, it's crystal clear you dearly love your brother. He needs it now more than ever. I could not even bear to comprehend if I were in your situation. . . Man! ~~/o/ Not being familiar with the actress or her work, I thought her voice came off as "otherworldly". It really contrasts with the human inhabitants of Kumandra.I can see younger audiences really being drawn to Sisu, in part, because of the sound of her voice, complimented by her affable personality. ~~/o/ The film does a fantastic job of illustrating that whilst people can have a lot of differences, they can have so much in common too. ~~/o/ Yeah, Weaver was not a professional race car driver. ~~/o/ Oh man, thanks for the laugh; I needed that, haha! 👍 P.S. Cool shoutout to your 'Without a Paddle' reference. ~~/o/ Yes, I agree too, in that Norman was okay so long has he had no catalyst to upheaval his dark impulses. Extra macabre tidbit: Dark impulses are normal; people experience them everyday, and are typically able to properly disregard them as mere thought. However, if this distinction is no longer recognizable by those undergoing these psychological lapses, they run the risk of believing they are the thoughts they entertain. ~~/o/ For once, he wanted to be in control of her instead of their relationship being the other way around. Basically, by killing her, she became his "mother" in the end. ~~/o/ Cool; got to love it when actors do their all to chew the scenery! ~~/o/ Thanks for your input, Allaby! I plan on seeing this when I can procure a copy of it from my local library. You don't have to answer this but what's one thing you like about the movie? ~~/o/ Thanks for taking the time for putting this together. I have nothing to contribute to your good points. ~~/o/