Terrifying Premise

To me, the thought of a madman who is invisible is one of the scariest ideas imaginable.


I agree, that is why I don't understand why some people don't consider this a horror film


But the thought of a vampire roaming around at night is far scarier. Or a Wolf Man on a full moon night. Or a Frankenstein Monster or a 5000 year old Egyptian Mummy on the loose. All these are far scarier. The fact that you couldn't see him me him not scary


Forest rangers will tell you, when all recourse and means of avoiding wild animal attacks is exhausted, to cradle up in the *fetal position, and with the up most urgency, protect the your face.

*Blasted autocorrect strikes again. 'Fetal' not 'real'



The best way to avoid an animal attack is to always go with someone who you can run faster than


Oh man, thanks for the laugh; I needed that, haha! 👍

Cool shoutout to your 'Without a Paddle' reference.



It's true; the greatest dangers are oftentimes the ones *we can't see or anticipate. The Invisible Man thus becomes an embodiment of fear itself.

*we not she; silly auto correct.

