MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Yesterday I told my mother her youngest ...

Yesterday I told my mother her youngest child was going to die.

Listen please, this is not a pity post - that's not me. It's a warning because I know that if someone reads this, it can save lives, and if it's just one, it will be worth me typing this through tears.

My youngest brother was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer almost 6 years - at that time he was told to get his affairs in order. He fought a long time and beat the odds. He always said he wanted to outlive our mother and now he won't.

His doctor told us two days ago that my brother has reached the point where he can no longer help him, it might be as soon as a week, and we are devastated.

The hardest part was when my wife and I went to tell our 99 year old mother. I had to listen to that poor woman softly cry for an hour - she was so sure he was going to beat it even though he never got to remission. Listening to her heart break was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life.

My brother was only 50 when diagnosed - the age when colonoscopies were recommended. Today, the age has been reduced to 45.

Colonoscopies are an easy and painless procedure - you'll nap through the 45 minutes it takes. If you have any polyps, they will remove them and send them for biopsy. If you have them, they schedule you every 5 years, if you have none, it's 10 years.

For reasons that aren't understood, colon cancer is on the rise. If you're in your mid 40s or older, please get this done. It's easy and painless and can save your life. If my brother had had one at 45, he would have had a nice long life ahead of him.

Please don't think of yourself on this matter - if you have someone who loves you - brothers, sisters, spouse, friends, have this done sooner than later.

No mother should ever be told her child is going to die.


Not to be that jerk but the statement "Colonoscopies are an easy and painless procedure" is not accurate.

They can be painful and they can cause a problem - if the doctor makes a mistake, you could have a colonoscopic perforation.

If you are aware of risks, that's fine but don't make it out like it's nothing.


This! ^^^^ My daughter came to during one of the many she’s had. She started screaming for him to stop, but the arsehole didn’t! She literally was screaming with pain. It didn’t matter. She has IBS, C-Diff, Crohn's & a host of other intestinal ailments. After the last one when the nurse erred & gave her 2 bottles of the nasty stuff to drink instead of the prescribed 1 bottle she refuses to have another one. They found her passed out on the bathroom floor! This was before she was hit with orthostatic hypotension which causes her to pass out.

It’s the first thing those gastro doctors want to order. It doesn’t mean a thing to them if you’ve had a prior 10. Some within the last 6 months! They don’t know how to treat you so they order another poke & probe! My husband also said he wouldn’t have another one.

I’ve had one & will never have another one. I have severe IBS, worse than labor pains, and the prep for the colonoscopy triggered the worst IBS episode I’ve ever had. The damn probe did nothing, but cause me to want to die and get it over with.

Before agreeing to have the poke & probe inquire about taking the capsule which gives a much deeper view of everything.


Oh wow, dude, it's crystal clear you dearly love your brother. He needs it now more than ever. I could not even bear to comprehend if I were in your situation. . . Man!





I'm going to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong (from what I see from your posts you are).


I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm wishing you and your family much comfort and strength.❤️


I'm very sorry to see this. Your brother is about a year older than me. I've lost a fair number of high-school and college classmates in recent just never know. I hope your brother passes peacefully and condolences to you and your family.


I'm so sorry you and your brother are going through this.

I've just posted a message about death, I'm so sorry. I didn't read this page first. I honestly don't mean any offence.

Thank you for your advice. Fibre is a big factor with colon cancer. I know it is difficult these days to eat a healthy diet.
Fuck the governments who regulate food, they don't care about the common person, whichever country you live in.

My love to you & yours.

Apologies again for my other post ❤️
