MovieChat Forums > The 100 (2014) Discussion > Obligatory light skinned male models who...

Obligatory light skinned male models who can't act....

with Marty Stu traits to serve as a love interest:


Such a stupid aspect of the show.


Gotta please the PC, SJW crowd.


Can't think of another reason.

Shaw was definitely the worst of the lot. I'm not surprised they killed him off.

Poor Raven. She deserved much better than Finn or Shaw.


How are light-skinned actors SJW or PC, lol. Expand your vocab and stop using those terms to describe everything you don't like.


Expand your punctuation skills, since we're giving out orders. As good as this show is, it's full of all the PC tropes.


Don't see anything wrong with my punctuation, but okay. Also, this post wasn't addressing other tropes. It was focusing on love triangles and the light-skinned models.

Also have to ask what PC means to you. I find a lot of people throw out the word if any minority character isn't just a dumb thug.


Here's what you wrote: "How are light-skinned actors SJW or PC, lol." That is a question. There's no question mark.

Politically correct. Making sure so one is "offended" or perceived to be discriminated against. All inclusiveness. Everyone must have representation: Races, genders, sexual orientations, etc., whether it furthers the story, or not. "Token" if you will and if you're on the "wrong" side, that's not PC.


Fair enough on the punctuation.

Ok, so you're a guy that calls it PC as soon as there's some colour on screen? Got you.


So you're the guy that automatically assumes racism. Got you.


Great debate. Glad we had this chat.

Seriously though, do you get worked up if every main character isn't a straight white male or straight white female?


You're not debating. You're accusing.


Asking a question man.


Don't play coy with me. Your question was a very thinly veiled accusation, as evidenced by the "response" you projected. I.E: "Got you".


You know what, you're right. I had suspicions and they were confirmed by reading through your post history. Good day.


Hahahaha! Enjoy your safe space, little one.


Wow. I wouldn't even bother myself personally.


Do you support artistic freedom?


Yep, it's the creator's freedom to write what they want. You have the freedom to criticize it too but I couldn't help but notice your criticisms aren't really about the art, so much as the skin you see on screen. Legal to think what you want, also legal for me to call you out on it. Freedom of speech goes two ways, beautiful right? Also went through your posts and I'm pretty sure I'm right about you after reading up a bit more.


More with your assumptions. I don't need to go through your posts. I'll gain my insights on you from our discussion. I'm pretty sure I'm right about you, by the way.

You don't understand what I'm saying, whatsoever. An "artist" puts a cross in a jar of urine and calls it art. He/she had the right to do that even though it would offend literally millions of people. Am I offended? No and I'm a Christian. To me, it is irrelevant. The artist has the right to be purposely offensive but for some reason, people seem to feel that "Hollywood" (in a broad sense) doesn't have that right. If a writer doesn't "include", they are somehow racist, homophobic, xenophobic, et al. What if they don't feel the need to have a gay couple or some other example of inclusiveness you'd like, in their story? Why is it assumed there's a "phobic" motive? I watch a lot of Asian movies (am I allowed to use that word?) and almost all of it is all Asians. Does that bother me? No. Some have other races. Do I feel better about those movies? No. "Offense" is killing us.


You know what, you're right. I had suspicions and they were confirmed by reading through your post history. Good day.

Ugh! You have more patience than I. I don't bother trying to get a logical response from SWS types. So transparently avoiding a very simple question because there's simply no reasonable logic behind it that isn't seeped in what the person was clumsily attempting to dance around . No trying to justify their irrational logic & only resorting to deflections of "Hey! You're assuming i'm racist" for being called out to explain the logic behind the one's own statement.

For the record I don't watch this show and have no interest. I just happened to stumble across this thread


Debate? Ha! I give my thoughts and you run. Why? Because you're not interested in anyone else's points of view unless they mirror your own. You know nothing about me and you're not interested in what I actually think. You guys just project your ridiculous stereotypes thay ALL conservatives are racists, bigots, misogynists, homophobes, xenophobes, claustrophobes, etc., etc., etc. You WANT it to be true and if it isn't you'll just make shit up. Typical closed minded leftist.
