ShogunofYonkers's Replies

I could see Bran dropping the mic and doing a Frodo at the end and pissing off to wherever... But im still wondering why all of this magic stuff showed up at the same time (witches, army of the dead, dragons, White Walkers, Children of the Forest etc...) Westeros had no faith in these crazy old stories...gotta mean something now that its all reality again..? Yup...agreed! Its an awsome show I thought after Pablo got taken down the series would become stupid and hackish... But Nope...just as thrilling, frightening and gory as before Netflix delivered on this one! Oh and finish Ozark if you have the time...its got a lot of laughs, thrills and good performances I really hope JL is great but it could be worse if your 'reaction game' theory holds true We shall see...and like a dummy ill be in line to give them my money so...maybe IM part of the problem :( Im not a remake hater and have even liked a few ... But no. Just f'ing no on this one. It was pretty silly lol Tho Meyer Lansky fit right into the Luciano crew...but yeah...not too many 'mixed' gangs i can think of Most gangs seem to be of the same sorts It was a main theme in the movie ... Youre right Renevatio But finding a new family/ team /crew to roll with was also a big theme in this series so far...and i just bought into it I guess themes or tropes or whatever ARE pretty corny and hack 101 ... Agreed that its a standard story telling device But i enjoyed it anyway Really fun movie imo Yup And if more guys had a card that dope they'd be waving them all over town too:) Jarya...GRRROOOOSSSSS!!! Sorry for screaming;) Yeah i dont like Sansa and Jon either (they werent that close but still pretty sib-ish) But im strangely ok with Dany and Jon... I should prolly seek out a good therapist but that was both hot AND weird...and i have no interest in my auntie i swear! She DOES look like a little kid but thats really not it I just enjoyed the cute big bro/little sis relationship between the yeah sexy time between them would be gross as hell to me Yeah that was reported to be an early GRRM draft for the novels...thank the Seven it was dropped! Gross... I saw and really enjoyed Devils Candy... Not a day goes by that im not educating my kids on Metallica, Maiden, old Black Sabbath etc lol Good movie! Cool will do this wknd Thx! Yeah...funny thing is i love weirdo nonsense movies like this from the 70's...i guess i just accept that everyone had a vision but was a bit too high/coked out whatever back then... I dont know i just thought it was lazy Amazon Prime has a bunch of cool older explotation crapfests that i can focus on Kinda feel like real horror is dead nowadays ( with a few exceptions) Wow you put in some time on this post -thx for some good stuff to read Nice homework A+++++++++ Yeah... Kinda pisses me off when i see a lower budget film get lots of the tech stuff and set-pieces all in place and looking good and then just fumble the ball Stupid mess... How did they manage to make that frightening tunnel a total snoozefest..? Jeez Thank you Ill probably skip it... Im sad to this day about Whitney! Jackson, Prince, Houston... We have seen a lot of our greatest artists die for really dumb reasons Miss 'em all Nobody will ever replace Pretty messed up Yeah on ep 5 now Great show Kinda miss Pablo tho...even tho he had had it coming That would be great