ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Ok thx Wow!!! If only he could have done ONE more Care Bear movie or a second surfing documentary...really would have been full closure for us fans But alas... Guys tend to love her NO hate... Shes one of those rare actresses that grow sexier with age Fine wine...pour me a cup;) Yeah!! shes been hot forever Gonna remain hot ... For sure... That face-those boobs-that voice! She is her:) Wow! Care Bear too!?! Guy was a legend! F'ing Care Bears man joke Had no idea...he surfed as well...very good at it from what ive heard... Amazing! Yes indeed And Jay Thomas too... Sad times Beautiful Thank you DF I read his origin mini stories on youtube but only up til he formed a small gang post Z Day...gotta catchup Thx! The Lucille thing was an obnoxious and stupid move by the writers-totally agree But while comic Negan was cool i dig JDM's performance and hes pretty cool in general ( imo anyway...maybe hes a grouch with fans as per that other thread...whatever...) Im looking forward to Rick and the gang whipping his ass in the next couple seasons! Fingers crossed! RIP Brett 91 years...199 shows/movies/projects That there is a damn nice ride! Sorry Bobby...dont know what to say... Maybe interiors in Tampa but an unknown exterior scrubby desert area for exteriors... Imdb has Tampa as the location Several reviews just mention a small town desert like area... I like to know locations too so this crap is now gnawing at me too Friday night ruined...thx dude;) I did the old google search and thats what i got Tampa Florida I just saw it a few days ago Decent silly fun... Awesome For me...sadly none People are ridiculous at the movies and cant behave for 2 hours I just wait for streaming or dvd for 90% of stuff (except for star wars or marvel or horror) I know... I SHOULD just go but New Yorkers can be f'ing loud and annoying as hell at the movies...hate it ...stfu I cant deal with it ;-) Lolol Yah Yeah ... $1000 is insane I think we have gone crazy And own wife wants You are boring Have something to say