ShogunofYonkers's Replies

Ok Gotcha Blister- good point...i guess i dont mind suspending disbelief for cool film making...but're right about that detail Oh Ok You corrected the post... East Jesus you say..? Im sorry Blister but im still lost.. Anywhoo...pleased to make your aquaintance Blister... Id love to reply bro but i dont see the rest of your thread...come back soon phone battery is pooping out too...til then Up With Jon Snow!!! Lets chat tmmrw Blister I honestly think theyre gonna bang...i'll bet you a buck they do it Kane If youre anywhere in the NYS area i like Killians but ill put up with Budweiser lol:) That was a funny joke Holy this show and love this site...lots of nice/funny peeps here... Always good times. Lets keep keep this site alive you guys! Lol Strongly/kindly disagree my friend Kane... kiddies are my life! And sex with wifeys aint bad either;)) Lots of babies and jumping on 'the big woman' would be a good call I have spent my Life doing that lol No Regrets... cool ill look for it thx! Nice! And yup...Rust would scare any fucker away from the door! Ep 2 plot contrivances how Madam? Also i think dummy Cersei is the villain focus now because viewers see the bigger picture but shes still 'playing with chess pcs...' She probably always will miss the forest for the trees because shes a wealthy/noble KL gal and somewhat sheltered... Thoughts Madam..? Ha Getting hard to reply via phone...thread is all squeezed up and stupid looking lol No pissing contest here - rest assured Boh!! I like the varied mix of posters and opinions i encounter on this site above a bunch of other places ive been..i wind up in a really fun 'pissing contest ' here every few days and most posters are fun/interesting even when we disagree Pleased to meet 'ya btw:) *apologize for delete My wonderful/annoying fam is over here and im currently 'juggling' dinner prep and bad guys... Not certain that poster Bohemianroxie was being passive aggressive and bullshitting as you said but i do question why you watch GOT as you seem to despise it and 'fanboys' of the show...not really my beeswax but you do seem an odd/intersting one Esto...anyway good talk Esto (im very friendly and not taking dirty punches here...your just off beat i guess...and i like that!) True Detective right?? Another great show me and mine enjoyed-totally agree i loved S1...S2was ok imo... Well in terms of fanboy-ism i should just plead guilty now (big comic book/star wars/heavy metal music/exploitaton drive-in movie fan here...) and i think its all in good fun! But srsly not trying to be a pest but i dont understand your thoughts that GOT is simple or easy entertainment...weve seen heroic guys bite the dust and former baddies become fan favorites...i dont think the 'easily entertained' as you put it are really that passionate about this show...which is clearly about WAY more than hitting each other with axes... Hi:) and nice to 'meet' you! Denial of what Estocade? This is my favorite show And yes...ive seen BB, The Wire,Sopranos etc ...all fabulous stories/acting etc... Im really curious about what you mean by 'collective denial...' Because honestly, a few dumb moments (sandsnakes lol) aside i think this show is best ever -please kindly elaborate Esto... Im not a big fan of organized crime in general...grew up near NYC and lots of the neighbor dads were involved in that hopeless/foolish crap But at least the old time Italians had a rule about leaving wives and children out of their occasional retributions...if they needed to silence a guy or give him pay back for some dumb move he made they were usually polite enough to commit the big sin but leave a guys family alone... Modern gangs seem like unclassy/way to violent assholes imo... Very good show tho and looking forward to next season Lololol Agreed the hate must stop!! Lol ATeamreference followed by Walter White quote...well playd Fishpan:))) And yeah ill never forget the ATeam My best friend in 3rd grade almost beat my ass when i said i liked Happy Days more than ATeam lol...i probably deserved that beating but im a fast runner! Nice ATeam referance! Yeah i forgot about Brienne...she is a hard-headed one but certainly a good 'guy' As for Jon i feel hes (as you stated) a bit wishy-washy in the leadership department but id pick him first for my team Guts all day from Jonny-boy...he is the best of them all if we subtract his poor self esteem and loner qualities...