UncleRuckis's Replies

Look at the way the MAGA crowd turns on, discredits, and devours any conservatives who dared to speak out against Trump! That is straight out of the Cult playbook. To be fair, Franco developed the drug, but he was against rushing into the new version, which is the one that was deadly and killed the world. It was his boss that pushed it without proper testing. Also they all saw that lab tech get exposed to the drug and didn't quarantine him immediately. The version Franco tested on his dad didn't cause a plague. Then it again, it just as easily could have, so lets just give him like 40% of the blame. What is with this family and constantly selling cheap merch? Well at least he didn't take anyone with him! Lets be honest. Your a guy in a vault with a very limited number of females, and your hot cousin Lucy says lets do "cousin stuff"! Is anybody gonna say no? A. Murder is not the only serious crime someone can commit and nobody, an ex president included, should be above those laws. B. No way in hell should his trials be pushed because of the election. By that logic, anyone accused of a crime could just run for office and buy themselves a temporary get out of jail free card. Wow! Just now scrolling through Reddit and stumbled across this sick SOB who's a perfect example. Cop Married to a woman father of twin girls And molested a damned toddler! https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/1c78qlz/child_rapist_cop/ But keep telling yourselves that gay guys who only want to bang other adult men are the danger! No, i wish pedophiles didn't exist at all, but I'd bet they're far more likely to be found pretending to be straight guys. For one, my wife is a probation Officer and has the unfortunate job of dealing with these guys. She's dealt with hundreds of these guys over the years and she'd tell you she could count on one hand the number of child molesters who were openly gay guys. Apparently it's most married guys or ones in relationships who do this shit to their own children. I'd bet money that there are far more kid diddlers hiding amongst the hetero community than the gays. Its always some straight coach or youth pastor taking advantage of unsuspecting parents. As fucking stupid as this post is, adoption rates are higher amongst homosexual couples than heterosexual ones. I realize that obviously ruffles conservative feathers, but it's a pretty big positive for the kid that gets to go to a loving home and away from a fucked up foster system. How is it creepy? Even they don't even entirely know who the clone is. Scott should naturally be upset that this upended his life and lost him his son, but being with the exact duplicate of the woman you love is a non-issue. Honestly, he should have just stayed with the Jean he already married and had a baby with. Such a dumbass term. Everyone is most likely to be killed by one of their own. Black, white, whatever. If anyone is going to get murdered, statistically it's by someone they know, which usually ends up being someone in their own social group. Well im convinced! Cowbell during the baptism scene would have taken that movie from classic to Epic! Nice try, but no, you worded the query to chatGPT differently than the OP. Typing in "Jamarcus Russel is the best QB ever" gives the response that while he had potential, calling him the best ever is quite a stretch. Likewise, if you type "make a case for Trump being a best", the AI gives an honest answer based on economic policy, Judicial appointments, and foreign policy, but also states how it's a subjective issue. Can't tell if this is trolling or if you actually think these are valid complaints? That's because objectively, there's no way a Twice impeached clown facing numerous charges would ever be regarded as the best President. You might as well have asked the AI to make a case for Jamarcus Russel being the greatest QB ever! This is a perfect example of why you shouldn't make a post complaining about something you haven't seen and making a bunch of assumptions! https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/2023-demographic-differences-federal-sentencing#:~:text=Key%20Findings&text=Specifically%2C%20Black%20males%20received%20sentences,received%20sentences%2010.0%20percent%20shorter. Here's a government study from 2023. - Higher conviction rates - Significantly longer sentences - Much less likely to receive probation Seems like race definitely matters when walking into a courtroom. And OJ was 30 years ago. Without looking, I guarantee those numbers would be even worse back then. He was acquited because he was rich and had damned good lawyers! Only a naïve moron would think being black is a benefit in the US legal system. Lol to be fair, OJ covered his ass by adding If at the beginning of the title.