MovieChat Forums > Back to the Future Part III (1990) Discussion > Would it be better as a GRITTY western?

Would it be better as a GRITTY western?

I think the idea of setting the third part in the far west was stupid on all accounts.
I understand that that's US past. So what?
It didn't fit the main themes and tone of the series. Maybe it could have worked for a brief moment, like a short trip, not for this whole movie.

Having said that, I really can't stand the cheesy tone this movie has.
The series was already too comedic (kids played by MJF etc), but making a western in that cheesy mode was bad for BTTF and westerns.
I think that if they made it more gritty (Leone style), with serious killings and more gunslinging, less tongue in cheek, less morals, less love story, it could have been at least an interesting western.
Still not a good idea for BTTF3 though.


I disagee with the gritty version. It's all lighthearted and fun through the series. Making it darker or grittier wouldn't gel with the first two. They'd have to redo the whole series and that wouldn't be as much fun. It's a tribute to the serials of the 50's and 60's. Lighthearted is better in that case.
