Quioby1's Replies

It's reality cody. Shit happens. You don't have control, life moves on. Move on. Good luck with your series. He was a great supporting actor. That's your problem. If you're going to be so sensitive because Hollywood doesn't do exactly as you please, go to Hollywood and make your own movie. The movie creates sympathy for the gay couple. One of the main heroesis a gay chatacter. There's no F-U to lgbt. Just people trying to create controversy where none exists. That's what I took from the film. I still liked him in Jumanji. He was terrible in goosebumps. I'm willing to agree. Though I personally think the Mrs. Vorhees mental voice of Jason is the most realistic. She was so mournful, scorned, vengeful, psychotic, and lonely that she created a killer version of Jason in her head to justify her murderous behavior. That being said, My favorite Jason was in Part 6. That will be a great soundtrack. Unfortunately, bringing back original crews doesn't always pan out. Indiana Jones #4 is a sad example. I wouldn't think he's a pedo. He just seems to remember childhood. Creeps are around and maybe he delt with a few. If you really want to be freaked out and laugh, check this Opie and Anthony moment. https://youtu.be/ABvPC6ms3pM ;) Good night Moe. Im still glad you enjoyed the movie. You keep telling yourself that there kiddo. Um... no. It's a superhero movie. If this makes you cry 12 times, you may need a new hobby. May I suggest you try woodworking, exercise, automobile repair, hunting, or football? Real men dont let Hollywood fairies, who pretend to be tough guys, be their focus. We get good jobs, build families, and provide. Super heroes are for children. Yes he was. He was lucky to have Ray Winston, and Egon. They the reason to his id personality. Ray was passionate, Winston was reason, and Egon was intelligence. It was bad. I wanted to like it, and it failed. The director failed at storytelling, making the audience care about the characters, and using deadpan humor. The moral preening in the final monologue was cringeworthy. The worst part was the fact that the great cast wasn't utilized as well as it could be. Nope, it's your taste. I looked her up (didn't know who she was). Reminds me of a better looking Sean Young in the 90's. I think the movie will be forgettable. There are so many comic nostalgia products flooding the market that the next flavor of the month will deflate the film buzz. If I'm wrong, that's cool. Someone will enjoy it. The Yosemite scenes are awesome. Sure. Either that or they weren't there for very long. Honestly, I would say that we got T2 and that was good enough. All these nostalgia products seem to be audiences chasing the dragon. Hollywood seems to be taking too few risks. It was a smaller role, but effective for the character of Jack. I like it when bigger names take smaller roles. Sometimes, it steals the show.