GreenGoblinsOck8's Replies

"Sorry. I said no meaning yes." "No meaning yes? Just give me a clear answer. Is there anyone else in this house, yes or no?" "No." "No there is? Or No there isn't?" "Yes." "Mr. Green was never being blackmailed and he had no informant. He was a plant (not a fruit). Notice that when Mr. Green outed himself as a homosexual, Wadsworth got a confused look on his face and shuffled through his papers. He obviously had no information on Green's situation and didn't expect Green to say that. Now, that kind of messes up the ending, since Wadsworth reveals that he is Mr. Boddy and that he's been blackmailing all of them all this time. He should have known all along that Green wasn't one of his "clients"." That explanation only applies to the third ending. Not the 1st or 2nd. Also I did notice that Wadsworth does look surprised when Green confessed what he did. I took that more as him being shocked he'd confessed to what he was being blackmailed for. I can't even remember the first time I watched it since I was 6 years old and am now in my early 30s. But I might have. Though upon rewatching, I agree with The_Stranggler. There's no way he murders someone and puts them into a trash can in plane view without someone noticing. Also if he had murdered everyone on the block, I think the police would think he was the prime suspect and arrest him and get him convicted without a reasonable doubt. Uh, it's been a while since I watched it but I'm pretty sure the soda and milk was spilled because Buzz was knocked into the containers of them after Kevin pushed them. So it was his fault. And yeah. Since he's the youngest they don't let him explain why he fought with Buzz. But still, fighting is wrong and I can't really blame them for being angry with him about it. Frankly though I'd kind of like to kick Buzz in the groin for acting the way he did in that scene. I felt his character came through at the end. Loved that part with him and Mac at the end. I don't like to watch movies on TV for that reason. I want to hear John McClaine say, "Yippie Kye Aye, Mother ******." Not, "Yippie Kye Aye, Melon Farmer." The ending of the movie takes place in the 1960s when that wasn't even considered okay. Besides, Andy already said that he wasn't gay. Hence why he has a poster of a beautiful half naked woman. Shawshank Redemption is another movie with a male only main cast. Though it takes place in a prison. I somewhat agree. Same thing really happened with the first team up movie of Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man. They didn't have the monsters fight til the end of the movie. Then House of Frankenstein has none of the monsters fighting at all. Also it's kind of unfortunate but sequels were a relatively new thing back then and film makers and producers didn't try to make them feel more connected. And that's not a problem with just this movie and it's predecessor but with the Frankenstein and Dracula sequels from before. Actually she would shoo him out of there if she didn't want him there. Also he was turned into a cat for trying to take over the world. Not for making someone fall in love with him. I like the beach episodes but mainly for seeing a young Leah Remini aka Carrie on King of Queens. Though if I were to name my favorite episodes, most of them would be in the first 2 seasons. I do have favorites in season 3 on. Like that episode in Season 4 where Zack gets to be principal for a day. I think Demogoblin would've been too scary to do on this show. I mean to even do them you have to do demon possessed Hobgoblin which would've given kids nightmares. I hated that episode. Thankfully I never watched that episode as a kid. They shouldn't have done the clone saga at all. That whole episode is based on a stupid comic from that time where the Jackal creates a clone of Gwen right in front of Peter and his clone. Then the clone of Gwen melts into a puddle of goo in front of them. It was a stupid story and anybody with a shred of talent would not use it in a cartoon or movie. That was from the first season. Yeah. I remember that. It's kind of funny when you think about how that sort of thing happens today. Like when you use 411 and say, "Wal Mart." and it says, "Did you say, Wal Greens?" and you say angrily, "No WAAAAAL MAAAART!" and it says, "I'm sorry! I didn't get that. Say again?" Though most of the time I use it and that happens it immediately transfers me to a representative. Actually in the Stan Lee era there were more than 40 issues of Hulk comics before everyone found out Bruce Banner was the Hulk. The thing with this show is though that it mainly ignores the comics outside of the idea of a guy turning into a green monster. Then again there was no way to do the comics justice in the late 70s and early 80s. Plus the way they did it in this show everyone thinks Banner is dead. Don't forget, "It's not a women's fault they grew up playing with dolls and ovens and don't know anything about tools." Yeah. Somehow that stuff doesn't bother me though. It was just played for laughs. In season 4 there's an episode where a woman who is a contractor comes onto his show and he does a contest on the show with her and loses. Frankly it was around that time I quit watching it because of getting rid of Ernie and Bert in favor of Ernie and Big Bird playing hide and go seek. Along with Elmo's world. The last time I watched it Elmo was the main focus. It's like nobody else even mattered as much. Frankly the older skits I grew up on were better. They barely even give focus to Oscar the Grouch anymore. Screw Sesame Street now and that stupid red monster puppet with sharp teeth who throws crap into a giant pot and that stupid fairy puppet! Some of your favorite ones actually. The Thing in Mrs. Faversham's attic Night Game Janine's Day off Lost and Foundry Ghostbuster of the year You can't take it with you No one comes to Lupisville The Revenge of Murray the Mantis Last Train to Oblivion The Bird of Kildarby (one of the few episodes which had the mayor in it though he doesn't look or act like the one in the movies) Cry Uncle Mr. Sand Man, dream me a dream When Halloween was forever The Boogieman cometh That is very sad. Want to make a correction to everyone. It's 19%. Not 13. Also it's funny cause Peter is the one who talked to the guy and Ray complains he didn't bargain with the guy. Also Egon mentions that in 5 years they'll pay $95,000 of extra interest.