MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters II (1989) Discussion > What are your favorite The Real Ghostbus...

What are your favorite The Real Ghostbusters episodes?

My Top 10 favorite Real Ghostbusters episodes are in no particular order

Ragnarok & Roll
The Collect Call Of Ctthulu
The Thing That's In Mrs. Faversham's Attic
Night Game
Egon's Ghost
Who're You Calling Two Dimensional
Janine's Day Off
Ghost Fight At The OK Corral
Victor The Happy Ghost
Lost And Foundry
Ghostbuster Of The Year

Honorable Mention:
Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster
The Spirit Of Aunt Lois
Knock, Knock
No One Comes To Lupusville
You Can't Take It With You


Some of your favorite ones actually.
The Thing in Mrs. Faversham's attic
Night Game
Janine's Day off
Lost and Foundry
Ghostbuster of the year
You can't take it with you
No one comes to Lupisville
The Revenge of Murray the Mantis
Last Train to Oblivion
The Bird of Kildarby (one of the few episodes which had the mayor in it though he doesn't look or act like the one in the movies)
Cry Uncle
Mr. Sand Man, dream me a dream
When Halloween was forever
The Boogieman cometh


Ragnarok & Roll
The Collect Call Of Ctthulu
Mr. Sand Man, dream me a dream
When Halloween was forever
The Bogeyman Cometh
Egon's Ghost
The Two Sides of Slimer
Halloween II & 1/2
The Bogeyman is Back
The Halloween Door
Citizen Ghost
Cold Cash and Hot Water
Knock, Knock
The Grundel


I can't believe I forgot to mention "The Devil To Pay" and "The Man Who Never Reached Home" as some of my favorite episodes.
