ebhaynz's Replies

What was really unintentionally funny is that it went from Lew being in total darkness to bright dawn in the blink of an eye. Mangold resigning to his fate that his directing career is OVER. The security guard was a 17 year old kid. Or the child rapist/murderer. She let him play video games with the other kids, got bored and went shopping for crap for the house I agree not a smart thing to do, I was allowed to roam free from about age 11 onwards but 6 years old is nuts! 1989's Fat Man and Little Boy was way worse. The Day After Trinity was way better. I'm pretty sure millions of Americans know who she is as there have been dozens of true crime docs sbout her and her sicko hubby. Cheetah is a lock for MVP. Yeah that's pretty typical of the Hollywood ego, think you changed the world when all you did was say your lines written by a LOT of talented writers. It's so weird he could have had so much more, he dated Julia Roberts he could have married her, had 2 kids, stuck with tennis(he was a talented tennis player, he could have stayed in shape, played in a lot of local tournaments, always seen with a smile on his face, etc.). I guess every major hit show has to have a tragedy, in the case of Friends it was Matthew Perry. It's the whole Hollywood fame going to their head thing. Once they become famous they're never told the word "no" ever again. The writers on SNL would write for famous hosts and observed that if famous people didn't get their shit together after one year of being famous they'd be messed up for life. Matthew Perry did not get his shit together after one year of being famous. Probably the biggest understatement ever. He had problems with alcohol even when he was very young, before Friends became a hit. I also think he was a loner who kind of geeked out on stereo equipment/video games/high tech stuff. After a few days that gets very boring as you don't have anyone else who cares, or anyone else to share it with. Of course, he probably could have joined geek clubs around L.A., it would have at least got him out of the house, made it more interesting. Ultimately, I think he got bored and tried to find the perfect high and came up short. No, it's a fake name. No way would he allow it to be done without his supervision/approval. I doubt it was the Canadian Navy that did the recovery, most likely the Americans. They kept as much of the recovery under wraps, literally. You pull 2 strings which raise a hidden paddle. If the 2 paddles match you win the nice prize. If they don't match you win a cheap consolation prize. Believe it or not it was well received by critics but summer 1980? They released Carny against Empire Strikes Back so NOBODY went to see it. I enjoyed watching it on Cinemax in the summer of 1981 though. What I've read is that Kennedy learned a ton about storytelling in Hollywood. How to structure a story, develop the plot, write character arcs, use foreshadowing and flashbacks etc. When Kennedy died Miller gave up for awhile, he allowed somebody else to direct Mad Max 3, which included a lot of ideas that Kennedy wrote before he died. Miller eventually went to Hollywood, he directed Witches of Eastwick and Jack Nicholson had to take control for awhile. Miller hightailed it back to Australia where he was much more comfortable. Miller is good, not great. Kennedy was fantastic. Yep, you're probably right. George is also probably too old to go back out and shoot a real Mad Max movie again.