ebhaynz's Replies

What I've read is that Kennedy learned a ton about storytelling in Hollywood. How to structure a story, develop the plot, write character arcs, use foreshadowing and flashbacks etc. When Kennedy died Miller gave up for awhile, he allowed somebody else to direct Mad Max 3, which included a lot of ideas that Kennedy wrote before he died. Miller eventually went to Hollywood, he directed Witches of Eastwick and Jack Nicholson had to take control for awhile. Miller hightailed it back to Australia where he was much more comfortable. Miller is good, not great. Kennedy was fantastic. Yep, you're probably right. George is also probably too old to go back out and shoot a real Mad Max movie again. great news the old imdB boards are on filmboards.com. It's not run by iMdB anymore but filmboards has all the archives and you can register and post. It's got great info I visit it often. The Ghostbusters(2016) thread is <i>still alive</i> - over 25,000 posts! The old IMDb boards are still alive, just on another URL. She put a pillow under her shirt, carried an accent, and knitted well. Meanwhile, William H. Macy and Steve Buscemi carried the entire movie, each with OUTSTANDING AWARD WORTH performances. And what did Macy and Buscemi get for their stellar work? NOT A GOT DAMNED THING! -- except for choice roles in highly popular films for decades to come -- Just one of many techniques used by filmmakers. Some movies the director will use 5 - 10 of these techniques, sometimes they do it really well too. In Platoon, for example. Oliver Stone used both the camera dolly and black/white to color fade in after the last battle. Heck, Stone may have used almost every common film technique in Platoon such as establishing shot, cross-cut, eyeline match, extreme close up/long shot, master shot, hand-held shot, and on and on. Black/White for Oppenheimer just seems appropriate, at least appropriate to the director. Great scene the rest of the movie isn't all bad either..especially compared to the last few Bond flicks. Lorne will leave after SNL50, which is about a year away. If they remake it instead of the original tag line "Is it real, or is it a game"? the new tag line will be "Is it real, or is it a gay"? They can definitely remake it but I don't think filmmakers of today know how to combine all the elements( drama, suspense, action, movie score, comic relief ) like what the original had. Hollywood is about half the size it used to be, and the really good filmmakers are either retired or dead. Also, we don't have truly talented young movie stars anymore. Back in 1983 Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy were perfectly cast from a huge pool of young talent. Today's Hollywood(and all of society) is a complete mess of about 90% non talented idiots up and down the corporate ladder. In short, there's almost no way a decent remake can be made in today's world, let alone any original production. It may be decades before we see quality films/TV series..if ever. My kneejerk reaction is 1. Caroline Munro 2. Kim Basinger Yes, because most people are trash nowadays. Tats, nose rings, 45 inch bellies.. That's the typical American nowadays. I read many updates on his addiction. The first was way back in 1997 when he looked awfully skinny and admitted to being hooked on pain pills. The second update was a 2001/2002 People magazine article(he was on the cover, fresh out of rehab, looking "Hot!"). Then the third, fourth, fifth etc. were pics of Matt looking way out of sorts, walking in his Pajama's, smoking a cig looking very unhappy. The last update was that reunion, he was so distraught his castmates were visibly worried about him. Yes, one of the hallmarks of severe addiction is starting very young. Matthew Perry started VERY YOUNG. I doubt he remembered his own birthday, let alone Julia Roberts birthday. It was prob more like 40 or 60 million. But they all were famous but still blew it, they could have had a long, healthy life but ended up really in the gutter. That's my point, Matthew Perry could have had it all, like not become a hopeless drug addict, make a lot more successful movies/tv shows, marrying Julia Roberts and become an even bigger star.. but he blew it.