ebhaynz's Replies

Yes BTTF is a very funny and entertaining movie..I think it's just a "joyful" movie more than anything. A lot of this has to do with PERFECT casting of Marty(s), Doc, Biff. The chemistry is just awesome and every scene is full of fun and energy. All this being said, I think the funniest moment was when Marty was filming Doc insert the plutonium into the Flux Capacitor. Just watch that scene again if you've forgotten about it, cracks me up every time. #3 is actually pretty good, honestly it may be the best. #2 is almost unwatchable. Well, from what Ohlmeyer said Norm did very well his first two years but he went downhill in 1997. Plus, NBC VP of Late Night Rick Ludwin said Norm often wasn't prepared at run-through, which was another bad sign. Finally, Norm was doing such a poor job(it was obvious folks) that the ratings were starting to go down during Update, which had NEVER happened before. The Truth is Norm did it to himself folks. Yes, she certainly had her prime..especially with movie star makeup and Hollywood lighting. Still, she had her big day in the sun, maybe we did too but not in such a big way. I'm 53 and I might still be a 5 if I can believe the lie the mirror is telling me. should be able to access from Finland. They're mostly right when it comes to insider celebrity info like this. However, every once in awhile they'll perpetuate a story like "OJ's murder of Nicole was accidentally filmed!" or "the real truth behind Jon Benet Ramseys murder", these are usually way, way out there. Recently, they grabbed a big bag of Cosby's trash and splayed it on a table. That was very revealing, good detective work stuff. I think the Enquirer staff comes from the U.K. tabloids, so they're experts..maybe this is why the UK blocks National Enquirer? Keep people in U.K. reading their many tabloids, not the U.S. version!? Article states Bill Cosby is holed up in his house, having long conversations with his deceased son Ennis. Says he orders two meals and has a talkative dinner with Ennis. Says he bought him a birthday present, etc. Bill is in the same house where he raped the accuser Andrea Constand. The UK denies access to National Enquirer website? A Most Irrelevant Year During those first 5 seasons(75-80) Milton Berle and Louise Lasser standout as being horrible. It's the bottom for a once upon a time huge star like Bill Cosby. He's totally shunned from Hollywood, most of his friends have left him, his high priced lawyers couldn't even save him from all the crimes he committed. He's a pariah and now has to worry about being imprisoned for the rest of his natural life..sentencing scheduled for next month. What's your next move PILL Cosby! I'm gonna have to go with both sociopath and narcissistic personality disorder. From what I know a sociopath cannot feel empathy towards others, which obviously is the case with Bill. Also, he's narcissistic because not only is he extremely selfish, he thinks highly of himself. Wow, tier 3 sex offender status for Bill Cosby. He has plummeted to the absolute bottom. This is way worse than Mel Gibson folks. Chaws True, we don't teach enough about nutrition in the U.S. Yes, freedom of choice and we're responsible for what we put in our mouths..but how do you explain all the millions of Americans who died of lung cancer from tobacco products? It was discovered these tobacco companies were purposefully adding dozens of chemicals into the cigarettes to make people get addicted and want more and more. Can't the same be said about this "food" these companies are getting people addicted to? Our Government did finally go after the tobacco industry and now our country's smoking rate is the lowest it's been in probably 100 years. What they were doing was criminal, the movie the Insider proved that. Now that they got busted for getting people addicted to tobacco they're now doing the same to "food". Although it's not real "food" is it? I feel the Government will eventually go after these junk food corporations, just like they did with the tobacco industry. I've been back in the U.S. for five years and I was horrified 5 years ago and now me and my friends can tell it's drastically worse..I watched a HBO special on obesity and I think they said the average overweight or obese person gains 5 pounds a year. That's enormous and sadly it does look 25 pounds heavier than it did 5 years ago. I'm calling this a catastrophe, how about you? Normally I'd say you're correct but aren't we talking about 125 MILLION OBESE AMERICANS? I compare this to the smoking epidemic that used to overwhelm our country, that killed millions of Americans too..however, this is probably much, much worse don't you think? I will admit the score was fantastic in this movie. I also thought the first 2/3rd's of the movie were pretty good, sadly the end let most of us down. My dad did the same exact thing, she got him early so yeah it happens all the time. I totally agree this movie was fine for the first 2/3rd's. I was hoping the woman would try to kill her whole family because she inherited hate from her mother and took it to another level..maybe end with her son fighting her to one of their deaths or having her confront her mother as well. Regardless, Collette gave an award worthy performance here.