ebhaynz's Replies

"Panic on the 4th of July" All the President's Men looked more like 1976 than 1972-1974. I'll always go with Jaws over Alien but wow, both these movies within 4 years of each other is unbelievable. Quick Jaws story/trivia. Jaws was finally shown on Network TV(ABC) in November, 1979. 80 million people watched, making it second‐highest‐rated televised movie ever. You pose a good question..Payton has won a lot of games with crappy QB's, he has a winning record with Jameis Winston and Taysom Hill lol. Ultimately, I see what Denver is doing here. They're hired Sean Payton to fix Russ. If anybody can do it, he can. I think Russ is the 4th out of the 4 other QB's in the AFC West. Mahomes, Herbert, Garrapolo, then Russ. I haven't seen Denver's schedule, I'm assuming besides the AFC West they'll have to play Chicago, GB without Rodgers, Detroit, Minn in the NFC..and probably Indy, Houston, Cleveland, Pittsburgh in the AFC. Denver might win 8 or 9 games, but no better than that. I doubt they'll blame Payton, there's only so much you can do with a declining QB, better to cut Russ, take the 85 million cap hit for 2024 and start anew in 2025. In real life Oppenheimer was a selfish drama queen. The invention of the atomic bomb has prevented far more deaths than it caused. idk, I think almost every billion dollar movie has a white male lead. yeah I remember the excitement of Keaton coming back as Batman, I just didn't know he was just going to be in The Flash I thought he was going to be the major star of another Batman movie. Or at least a key player. I'm glad that people still go to movies, even though it's not me. I will say if they came out with some really good movies I'd definitely go. Look at the 52 movies that have grossed 1 Billion or more, I doubt I've seen more then 2 or 3 of them. "Comparisons like this are absolutely moronic". But they call these movies Barbenheimer! My expectations were so high for 08's Indy 4. I saw it in a theater in S. Korea and left so disappointed. The theater was packed with Korean kids and their parents, I think that's who the movie was for lol. I remember a few months later seeing Indy 4 DVD for rent at a local store. I instinctively started to reach for it but pulled my hand away quickly. That was the end for me. Maybe not a shakeup but more like a breath of fresh air. Fey would want to put her own stamp on the show. We will find out soon, 50th Anniversary is coming up! probably a typo made by whoever works at the-numbers.com He collected old 50's/60's magazines which had young men posing nude, plus other material like muscle magazines. The police arrested him, saying it was child pornography. In the end, they dropped child pornography charges and allowed him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor for obscenity. Reubens took about 3 years off but after that worked steadily until the end of his life, mostly in TV appearances and voice over roles. "Donny's Ashes" have you checked the way back machine? Our society has been messed up for a long, long time. Decades. I remember a lot of hatefulness in the 70's. There are many factors but a lot of it is parents working careers and not willing/able to be proper parents to their children. What we are seeing today is 50-60 years of bad(or zero) parenting. This is pretty big news for SNL fans. A shakeup is badly needed. I think they lost a huge chunk of Indy fans because of Skull. A shorter run time would've helped, but not much. Indy died in 08. Kevin Spaces is F I N I S H E D. I'm just spittin' facts!