ebhaynz's Replies

This is very sad to hear. From what I've read Harwell's had a severe problem with alcohol for a long time and unfortunately this is the end result. It really sucks to be an addict! "Sharkenheimer" "1975: A Shark of the Sea" Yes, she was a great actress and impossible not to love. Such a sweet lady. Also snubbed were Anne Heche, Tom Sizemore, Fred Ward, Tony Sirico, Cindy Williams, Paul Sorvino, and Gilbert Gottfried. RIP to all of you great entertainers. A couple of American's met Hitler during the 1936 Berlin Olympics. They said his appearance was shocking. The way he and his cronies acted, the silly clothes, and especially how over the top his hair and mustache looked. They said Hitler literally looked like a cartoon figure. Hilarious and silly. FUCK! SNL went steeply downhill in lockstep with America's precipitous decline. yes but most people know the effort was there, Bond movies are consistent, usually 3 a decade. Indy was retired in 1989 and should never have been brought back..and when it was it catered to kiddies. That type of betrayal has not been forgotten. It really doesn't look like he's putting much effort into this, so I've basically given up the hope that any of the songs will be good. The last I really liked by Waters was the entire Radio K.A.O.S. album(1987). But I like Roger better than Gilmour, David is a great guitarist but he's never said one thing that interests me, except for maybe an anecdote or two about Syd Barrett. Roger Waters is many things and he has a I don't give a fuck attitude. But he's never been boring. Crystal Skull absolutely did NO FAVORS for Indy 5. Roger had a big ego trip, tried to take over the band without acknowledging the other members contribution. This pissed Gilmour off to no end and the two have barely spoken to each other since the early 80's. Yes, I listened to it already..it just seems to me he's copying Taylor Swift, who re-recorded her songs to make more profit since her record label ripped her off. He's supposed to release the whole album in Oct but who in the heck is going to buy this crap? Yes, the new Money is bad but I did see one review where they said this might be an outlier song. Something along the lines that this was added to the original album at the last minute for radio play. I don't know if this is true but I hope at least 2 or 3 of the new DSOTM songs are good..but right now it ain't lookin' good! I think she's related to Eric Edwards. Oh yes it's up there in the top 5 for sure. The producers, writers, outstanding cast, survived the loss of TWO great characters, Coach and Diane. 1. Cheers - Great for it's entire run. Could have probably gone on another 3-5 seasons. 2. Frasier - A fantastic spinoff that was highly entertaining for 7 seasons, then a fairly steep dropoff but still many watchable episodes. 3. Seinfeld - I can't watch the first 2 seasons but after that it's one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. 4. The 70's Bob Newhart show was so fun and easy to watch. 5. M.A.S.H or All in the Family or That 70's Show. All is fair in love and WWII. Thanks to you yanks for saving the Brits, French, Italians, Russians, entire world. They couldn't do anything right without you. He's one of the very few directors who made iconic films in THREE separate decades(Carrie 70's, Scarface 80's, Carlito's Way 90's). He flipped off Charlie Rose in an interview because Charlie would not stop hassling him about Bonfire. Brian De Palma is a Fucking legend. "Swim Swam" It's a little slow..fun to watch for nostalgia purpose thou Yep, Waller being cast was a big misstep