spurtle467's Replies

It sounded like he didn't get his words out properly either. I can't have been the only one who heard him say: "[something inaudible]..eyes Oppenheimer" and was left confused trying to take in what he said while realising the winner is Oppenheimer at the same time. I think this is what led to the lack of reaction in the audience at first. I trust Jimmy Kimmel will be featured in the memorial section since he died on his arse tonight. Agree. Most casual film fans wouldn't even know half of the films nominated. This is possibly the most forgettable Oscars yet. Many people are the same. It's lost its significance now. It's partly a reflection of the films Hollywood puts out these days, partly because film stars aren't as big as they used to be, and partly because the event itself has just become more boring and political. Were they really going to deny the chance to give the award to some Asians? For a ceremony that keeps losing viewers each year, this won't help. Should have got Will Smith and Chris Rock to host it. I have not seen all the performances but I thought his was worthy of winning it. I heard somewhere it was the most watched show during lockdown. I don't remember the exact stat but it was along those lines. It's not really being forgotten about and if it's not being given more attention it's probably because it ended quite a while ago compared to the other shows you mentioned. Although you only have to look at the first page of The Sopranos board on here and compare it to that of Game of Thrones. The latter has posts dating from a year ago on its first page, whereas Sopranos only has them dating back to 5 months. I think that shows you it's still a very popular TV show. I haven't seen this film in a long while but I don't remember Lester feeling suicidal? If anything he went from feeling unfulfilled in life, with a failing marriage and a broken relationship with his daughter, to becoming more fulfilled and living his life the way he wanted to, despite those two components still remaining damaged. He never wanted to die, what gave you that impression? They only had one or two scenes together in Doctor Sleep as it is, so yeah I would pretty much rule out McGregor. He doesn't even strike me as that sort of person anyway. I understand the reasons why she punches him, it's the fact she is able to knock him out and incapacitate him for however long it is. The first one to knock Indiana out in the whole franchise is a fucking woman? Please do me a favour! As for being weak from his injuries, he was literally punched in the face by the henchman on the plane minutes earlier and it had little effect. The first question was harmless enough. I think the follow up question about the prosthetics and how well the guy knows him is pushing it a bit because he's basically asking if he's seen him naked, personally. I mean it's all cringeworthy and is obviously meant to be taken as good natured fun so whether it crosses the line depends on your sense of humour I guess. But if anyone got deeply offended by that they probably need to get a life. For me it's no big deal. The issue is fundamentally about the characters not the actors. And yes they can play anything but if it's to make male characters look inferior in an unrealistic, patronising way then expect some criticism. He was shot but he didn't look ready to pass out. In fact wasn't he still involved in a fair bit of physical activity thereafter, on the plane and in the lead up to that point? She punched him out cold, just like that. And let's not pretend it wouldn't have shown her being capable of doing that without him being shot. There's nothing invisible about it. The number of strong empowered female roles has increased in Hollywood, that's just a fact. This is yet another example. Yep. If you blink at the wrong moment you'll miss the bit that's worth you watching on the big screen for. It's woke. The Helena character somehow has superpowers. It wasn't enough that she is able to outsmart Indiana and the others but she's also got to be stronger than everyone else too. Just take the punch she inflicted on Indiana right at the end, it knocked him out cold and kept him unconscious for a while. This is a man who has taken punches from all sorts of big guys throughout the 3 previous films and none managed that sort of damage. Even a nuclear bomb couldn't knock him out. But some young and slim 100lb woman can deliver a Francis Ngannou type punch and carry his ass back to the plane with little problem. She probably carried him above her head like a surf board. I think they are pretty close in their quality, which is to say they are both lagging far behind the original trilogy, although even Temple of Doom lags behind Crusade and Raiders. They both have varying flaws and I find it actually quite difficult to work out which one is less bad. Skull I would say has a lot more stupidity and too many characters, whereas Dial is probably more forgettable and average, without stooping to the lows and silliness found in Crystal. One has many weak and unneeded characters and the other has the worst character of the lot. Dial could have been a lot better had it been a grown up Short Round in place of PWB, and I can imagine the character dynamic would be good and similar to that between Sr and Jr from Crusade. It would have been a satisfying way to close the franchise as well by bringing a familiar face back from the old trilogy to accompany Indy for one last adventure. Not to mention you'd then not have to suffer having any woke female agenda shoved into your face for the majority of the film. There were parts to both I thought were decent enough. Minus the use of the fridge to escape a nuclear bomb, I agree that Skull started relatively well. Likewise, I thought the opening scene to Dial wasn't bad except for the distracting young Indy CGI face, the very beginning of which is spot on, until the eyes and mouth in relation to the voice quickly give the game away. I also thought the concept for Dial was interesting and served the franchise better than aliens did. These are pretty tame victories though in films that overall leave a lot more to be desired. I disagree about the ending of Dial though in terms of the 'it hurts here' scene. It just felt like ham-fisted fan service and not really believable as a memory that would reside in the two of them to suddenly bring up in that moment, unless it's like some exchange they like to repeat to each other from time to time. I think Get Out is his best film but I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan of it or Peele. I find him a bit overrated and in danger of becoming the next M. Night Shyamalan, with interesting ideas but questionable execution.