spurtle467's Replies

There are quite a few good ones from the 70's all around the 7 mark or more on IMDB. Marathon Man The Odessa File Three Days of the Condor The Parallax View All the President's Men Coma I guess that era really lent itself to spy/conspiracy films. I didn't even hear about this scene before I watched it and thought it was a bit disgusting at the time but was surprised it had caused the controversy it had, same with the menstruation scene. If you've watched enough porn or other unpleasant films, maybe it's a matter of how desensitised to it you are I guess. IMDB has his height listed as 6'0 (183cm) as does Google, so where are you getting this 6'1 from? I don't know which picture you're referring to but I know Schwarzenegger has lost some height due to age. <blockquote>You're clearly are a fan of some actor and wants your favorite actor to be taller than Bruce Willis.</blockquote> What? 😄 Yeah it always works better when they blend CGI with real practical effects. CGI can do the job some of the time but if you overdo it then it can undermine the result you're hoping to achieve and start looking very fake. No matter how hard they try, a completely CGI character is no replacement in authenticity to an actual character. I can't imagine it's too much fun for the actors either having to interact with green screens and invisible objects. We don't want practical effects to become a dying craft. Geena Davis is famously tall for a woman anyway, so that picture looks about right. If she had heels on I'm sure she'd be closer to the other guy's height, who is about 6'4/6'5. I don't know where you get your information from but I can tell he is not 6'1 just by looking at him and I have come across no height statistic of him anywhere on the internet that lists him as 6'1. Sorry to break it to you, if you are some sort of super fan trying to add a couple of inches on to his height or whatever, but he is not 6'1. You could certainly say that he has been blessed with what he has experienced in life and what he has achieved, his abilities for running and playing ping pong. He is simple minded and slow and maybe this does prevent him from suffering the harsher mental consequences of personal tragedies. But he still clearly showed he was upset at the loss of Jenny, who meant the world to him. The scene where he is crying at her grave could be to emphasise how he isn't so easily able to shrug things like this off, as we hadn't seen Forrest that emotional before. Nonetheless he carries on now as a father bringing up his kid, without a partner. It's another circumstance in which we look at Forrest and are meant to admire where he's got to in life and also comes full circle in imitating he and his mother, as a single parent family where he can now impart his wisdom onto his son, just as she had done with him. I liked it and thought it was a clever and unique way of closing down a film like this rather than the usual cliched text on screen to tell us the events that occurred thereafter. It wouldn't have worked in Schindler's List no, but that had a whole different tone so shouldn't be used as the comparison. That was going for a more poignant and moving feel throughout to fall in line with the atrocities of the Holocaust. This is a noir crime drama. It had atrocities but nothing on that scale. The subject matter, styles and tones are totally different. I wondered if she had gone into the room with him under the pretence of appearing quite understanding and civilised so he was more likely to give her the answers she wanted and when he did that was it. I mean she may have accepted what he'd done already with no chance of any reconciliation, considered there was some truth to his love for her, while also being a confused and manipulated man, but gave him one last chance to show her some honesty. After presenting her character as a rather wise and careful woman, the illnesses and murderous events surrounding her family in relation to her husband and the other white folk, did end up making her look pretty naive I have to admit. Leonardo Di Caprio looks like Gollum with hair in this. At least Scorsese chose not to go for the de-ageing thing he did for The Irishman. This is preferable to that, seeing as that really wasn't very well done. I don't disagree with any of your points. I do also think it's simply not as impactful as it used to be after years of it being used, superfluously so in many cases. You still get films today where CGI is applied really well and the films are beautiful to look at i.e. Dune, Blade Runner 2049, Avatar, Prometheus etc. but the wow factor has died down and the advancement in CGI special effects has been more minimal as it's gone along. Like we've said, the effects in Twister have aged well and could probably fit in seamlessly with today's CGI. Same with Jurassic Park. I saw Starship Troopers last night, that is another one. I've not noticed much difference between the 2 Avatar films in terms of CGI quality despite the 14 year gap. It's lost its freshness and the improvement hasn't been as stark in all these years since compared to improvements in special effects over long periods prior to the 21st century, in my opinion. Nope I don't agree. I've never seen Willis listed as 6'1 anywhere. 5'11 or 6'0 yes and frankly he looks like he is in that sort of height range. He does not look over 6ft. Here he is standing next to 6ft Geena Davis: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112864/mediaviewer/rm2317064960/ Arnie has the better collection of movies and the higher highs. Ok, I've not seen any of the Rocky movies but sports movies tend to not do it for me, and as I understand it Rocky is the only really good movie in that franchise. Nothing of Stallone's can compete with The Terminator, Predator, Terminator 2, or Total Recall. These are all 8 out of 10 or higher movies. I haven't seen a movie of Stallone's I'd give higher than a 7 to. Willis is more like 5'11 than 6'1. Look at that scene in Die Hard with a Vengeance when he's in the lift with all those German guys. They all tower over him. The height difference would not be as stark if he were 6'1. The special effects do hold up quite well I agree. This was at a time when big budget CGI was still quite fresh too so it made a more exciting experience watching these films back then. It's harder now to impress with CGI after all these years of it being used. Yeah, I guess if this was going for realism in terms of chasing tornadoes in the space of a few days, it would be a road trip movie. Also the USA has actually been short on EF5 tornadoes for the past decade. At least I don't believe there have been any recorded EF5s that have killed anyone since 2013. It's the longest that drought has been since records began. Be funny seeing this film again tick off all the various sized destructive tornadoes in a compact degree of time and location. I would be surprised if anyone approached a sequel to a blockbuster film from decades ago with any enthusiasm. We know the track record of sequels like this and yeah the trailer doesn't help add much positivity. It just looks like a rather dull retread with a lack of fun characters/actors. I mean the original wasn't great but it had a sense of fun. I could be wrong and it ends up being another Top Gun: Maverick. But I would say that had more of a story to work with and Tom Cruise came back. The other thing is that back when Twister was made, tornado footage wasn't as readily available everywhere like it is now. There are countless videos of tornadoes you can find on Youtube that will be far more real and scary than anything this film throws at us. Most of the twisters in the trailer look pretty light coloured. By comparison, I do however remember a black twister in the first film, I think it was the third twister they chased. Looks more action filled than the previous two, as you would expect if they're focusing on day one in a city environment. Kind of akin to Cloverfield. I wonder if it will try to explain anything about the aliens themselves; how, why, where they come from etc.? It added emotional weight to the film but I guess in terms of the story it shows how Forrest keeps persevering in life in spite of all that life throws at him. He keeps going like a feather in the breeze. Presumably the T-101 can tell whether it's the real person or the T-1000 imitating, on inspection, but does the T-1000 know this? Just thinking that if everything looks normal and they're all alive, then it will help to lull John and/or the T-1000 into a false sense of security should they turn up, at least in the T-1000's mind. The T-1000 can't know for sure that John won't have escaped the clutches of the T-101 either. It may be aware they'd be cautious before entering and could possibly be looking from outside to see if there are signs they're both there still or if anything is out of the ordinary? I mean if you were John and you looked in through the window and saw Janelle getting dinner ready while Todd was there too, you probably wouldn't have any reason to suspect the T-1000 had got to them based on the T-101's judgement.