susannah101's Replies

I read it, and thought it was magnificent!! Yes, I see what you mean Atarimaster. I didn't think of it that way. So underwhelming that is for sure! A totally underwhelming way to go for Cersei! Here is a woman that truly was evil and had no redeeming qualities, other than the love she had for her children. I think the writers really failed here. Her death could have been something phenomenal and talked about for a long time to come, justice and karma for the reign of evil she inflicted upon everyone. Let's hope the final episode redeems itself and mirrors some of the greatness which we have witnessed over the last 7 seasons!! Funny, I have heard people say "I couldn't care less" Does it mean the same thing? I am so confused!! Lol Yes AmeriGirl, I can understand why people wanted change. Yes, AmeriGirl that could be the case. I feel I don't have enough knowledge about the situation to comment decisively about your political situation, only what I read and hear in the media. Not sure what is real and fake at this point in time. I do watch a lot of PBS over here, not sure if it is a reliable source? Anyhow, we have an election on May 18th here in Australia. Still not sure about who I am voting for because I find each candidate has their issues. I find politicians make lots of promises but don't follow through when elected! It is pretty much like that in any nation really. Here in Australia a lot of people like him and a lot not so much. Pretty much like the USA really. They have a tv show here called Planet America which covered American political news events ahead of the 2012 presidential election. It is still airing here and very popular. It is a weekly show and has plenty of material to work with since Trump was elected! My mother and I were in Hawaii during the election campaign and every American we spoke to said that no way would he be elected! A year later when we went back, a lot of Americans there were still in disbelief! Some were even saying that they thought he would be taken out! I wish you would reconsider? Many people like and care about you. Take care of yourself. James Purefoy! I think he would have been perfect 15 years ago and he is so handsome, suave and British. Okay GlenEllyn, thanks for replying and being so lovely! Thanks GlenEllyn. I tend to just read the comments than reply. I know all of you regulars on here since the Imbd days and really enjoy all the banter!! Happy Easter to everyone and your families! My mother and I have been on a road trip from Melbourne to Adelaide in Australia to visit my sister. We ate chocolate all the way! She did not disappoint with so much seafood and lovely food. Now tomorrow will be Easter Sunday and she says she will be doing a lovely spread of food, it is too much but oh so so good!! My dear sister's boyfriend has a greek background and he has been busy making baklava! My favorite dessert! Anyway, I think I have put on 5 or 6 pounds in the last 3 days! So much fun celebrating, eating and drinking! Ha ha, yes I think so. I can only assume he thinks Tom Cruise is a woman! Who knows!? The Maldives! I have been 3 times on 2 different islands. Just the most pristine water and beautiful white sand. ICAM!! So underwhelming. They should have made episode 15 the finale of the season. What woman? What are you talking about? Henry, mainly because it is so sad for Carol! She has lost so much. I am really sad about it. I really thought they would keep him around especially since Carl is no longer there. So do I!! Lucky Mrs Elba! You are so welcome lovely catsidhe! Please take care of yourself.