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What do people in other countries think of Trump?



Here in Australia a lot of people like him and a lot not so much. Pretty much like the USA really.

They have a tv show here called Planet America which covered American political news events ahead of the 2012 presidential election. It is still airing here and very popular. It is a weekly show and has plenty of material to work with since Trump was elected!

My mother and I were in Hawaii during the election campaign and every American we spoke to said that no way would he be elected! A year later when we went back, a lot of Americans there were still in disbelief! Some were even saying that they thought he would be taken out!


You must have only been talking to liberals.


Yes, AmeriGirl that could be the case.

I feel I don't have enough knowledge about the situation to comment decisively about your political situation, only what I read and hear in the media. Not sure what is real and fake at this point in time. I do watch a lot of PBS over here, not sure if it is a reliable source?

Anyhow, we have an election on May 18th here in Australia. Still not sure about who I am voting for because I find each candidate has their issues. I find politicians make lots of promises but don't follow through when elected!

It is pretty much like that in any nation really.


We were tired of not being able to have jobs, or to have them handed off to people who were not supposed to even be in our country. We were tired of being told we should be ashamed of who we were. We were tired of a small group of snotty elites on both coasts, telling us we were scum for not having the same values and morals as theirs, when they have no room to talk. We were tired of being lied to our faces. We were tired of being seen as nothing more than statistics and votes to keep them in power. We'd had enough.


Yes AmeriGirl, I can understand why people wanted change.


Ignorant, populist, demagogue, obnoxious.


I like him and wish we had some someone who spoke the truth here as well.


Where are you from?




I can only speak for myself, but trump is not of my concern unless his decisions come in contradiction to my planning.


What about all those middle class folks who got screwed over on the tax cut that Trump promised would benefit them? #TrickleDownEconomicsIsAJoke


I got back over 1700.
Unemployment hits 49-year low as US employers step up hiring


As opposed to the Obama years which were 8 of the most difficult of my life.


US job openings jump to nearly 7.5 million in March
