susannah101's Replies

Yes, very good documentary. It won an academy award! No, but thanks for letting us know about this one Kai. Or maybe he didn't do it. He could be covering for his brother. The brother may have set him up by putting a fake birthmark on when committing the rapes. I think when the detectives uncover what is on the hard drive they will discover that the brother is involved in some way. Yes, I think being curvy is a lot more attractive than being rail thin! I am a straight woman and Australian, I have always thought she is an attractive woman in the early days on Australian TV before she became famous worldwide. I think she has a very beautiful face! Thanks for your detailed explanation.. Oh yes, Australians can decimate the English language too! Yes, I definitely hate when people say axed instead of asked. I am from Australia and I have noticed that some Americans say it that way. Is it more common in certain states or parts of the U.S.A? ACDC! The magic faraway tree by Enid Blyton. Brings back so many beautiful memories from my childhood. Well said! Probably scare the living daylights out of them when they got home!! lol Yes, not predictable at all! Thankyou! Automatically I thought of Funny Games! Definitely thought it would end differently. Hated the ending! No, I didn't know that. That was very clever of Richard Castellano. It's an iconic line. They nonchalantly walk off with their dessert, after committing murder without a care in the world! Yes!! Ha Ha I wouldn't say can't stand, but I definitely have lost a lot of respect for Elisabeth Moss. I love watching her in The Handmaid's Tale. However, since I found out she is a Scientologist I just don't see her the same way as before, if that makes sense?? Ha Ha!! Don't forget the cannoli!! Yes I am. He had some of the best lines in the show!