MovieChat Forums > pzogel > Replies

pzogel's Replies

TFA was merely disappointing for me. I think it's a terrible movie, but it's not an insult. TLJ is. It's almost as if there's something special to it. 'Insulting' is a very fitting term. I felt actually insulted after leaving the TLJ screening, as if it were a deliberate move to piss people off as much as possible. The only reason for me to watch IX would be to see how bad it is. I'm sure there are quite a few others who'll go to the theatre just to see how much of a trainwreck Star Wars has become. I haven't watched it and I don't plan on doing so. Maybe I'll watch it when it comes on TV some day. Hoping for some entirely far-fetched and highly illogical explanation from some redditor why this is indeed not a conttinuity error but pivotal to Rey's arc and the deeper meaning of the whole story. Thanks and lol. Not sure who thought it'd be a good idea to shoehorn this guy into the movie. [quote]The hamfisted cameo from a fan favorite character in the end was pointless and stupid. That really turned me off. Especially if they plan to make a sequel to this.[/quote] Care to share who it was (in spoiler tags)? I'm not planning to see it. Will this be released before or after Rose Tico: A Star Wars Story? I'd rather learn more about Rose Tico's grandparents. And who says Rose Tico can't be force sensitive and astral force project herself into the past? Kylo Ren ist just a token for an evil white male with thin privilege. No further motivations or characterisation needed. Although Mark might not be weeping because he's sad about his character being butchered, you can see how much he is affected by this role and how much he cares about it. It *is* his role and his character, which makes RJ ignoring everything Mark comes up with all the more perplexing. Many directors would be happy about an actor giving genuine input on their role -- RJ just brushes any suggestions off in favour of his 'vision'. Her character is terribly written (not her fault) and her acting is sub-par at best (her fault). Be prepared for the universally acknowledged 'wide eyes and open mouth' acting technique. Mark only talked about Trevorrow's script though, he never mentioned anything about outlines by JJ. And on the other hand there are several reports about JJ and Johnson working together (e.g. for the ending sequence of TFA). And lastly, JJ was executive producer for TLJ, so he was well informed about everything and didn't stop Johnson from neglicting his (alleged) outline for EP8. [quote]Fact is, he made outlines for 8 and 9[/quote] Not fact but merely conjecture by Daisey Ridley (who has trouble understanding why anybody would call Rey a Mary Sue). Everybody should come as Admiral Holdo (or sport a lovely purple hairdo, at the very least). Quite the relief that this turd didn't get any Oscars. Not confirmed and highly dubious, in my opinion. TLJ wins by a landslide It'll be like this: Lando would get to meet Rey and Finn for the first time, hugging them like old friends while completely disregarding Chewie. In the next scene he would get killed immediately by some goof. And at the end of EP9 he would then appear as a Force Ghost that is modeled after the new Lando actor from Solo. What truly baffles me is how the whole thing went down. Let's take a look: 1) Trevorrow and Johnson are hired virtually at the same time to do EP9 and 8. At this point, nobody has even a remote clue what these episodes could look like. Gotta see what JJ comes up with first. 2) TFA is done and Johnson begins working on EP8. He decides this and that should happen (possibly Luke's death). 3) Trevorrow says that Johnson's script is incompatible with what he wants to do in EP9. 4) Trevorrow gets fired because Johnson has apparently more power within Disney/Lucasfilm. Clearly, this whole 'make it up along the way' strategy of developing the ST backfired greatly. Right when TFA was made all the three directors should have sat together and agreed on a rough outline of the whole story. Hiring a director, however, and then later realising that what he has planned doesn't fit with what another director has planned is the most unprofessional and frankly dumb approach imaginable. TLJ already departed heavily from (or even flat out contradicted) TFA, EP9 will probably be even worse since JJ has pretty much nowhere to go from there. What a mess.