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Heartbreaking footage from the documentary

Its hard for me to watch this stuff. Being a huge fan of Mark Hamill and Star Wars, it just hurts me to see his character get so vandalized. Whats even worse is to see how Mark Hamill feels and deals with all of this.

It must have been hard for Hamill to realize the vision of Johnson. Because not only does he see his character destroyed, he has to actually help Johnson destroy his character. He KNOWS fans won't like this, because he doesn't like it himself. He told Johnson plenty of times. The guy just didn't want to listen. Well thanks Johnson and Kennedy. Thanks for shitting all over Luke Skywalker.... Thanks for disrespecting the fans.


well, I thought this was a very interesting doc. Not the glib propaganda glorification they presented with the TFA doc.

The TLJ doc really went into some of the issue and it portrayded Johnson as someone who knew that he made risky decisions, doubted himself a lot but stayed on course for the most part (he totally reshot the beginning sequence because he panicked about it).

This is what artistic license is about. This does not excuse him being a mediocre writer though, not just in TLJ.


I agree that the doc is very good. I really like it. But it does make me hate Rian Johnson more. Sure he has a vision and artistic license and all that, but I just hate every decision he made. It only makes me hate him more when I figure out his thought process.


Johnson believes he is being very clever because he is doing the unexpected. He had explained in a different video that whatever the fans expect, surprise them by doing something different. That's why there are so many "gothcha moments" throughout the film. Obviously, he was able to convince Abrams and Kennedy of his "profound wisdom".

He's too stupid to understand that you don't do something "different" just for the sake of it. It needs to be within the context of the story and established characters. It needs to make sense. Lucas was able to surprise us with the unexpected when Vader revealed himself as Luke's father and it made the story and characters more interesting and lead to a message of hope and redemption.

What makes Johnson, Abrams, Kennedy and movie critics so scary is they can't tell that there is a difference between what Lucas and Johnson have done re: surprises or movie twists.

Only the fans, Hamill and Lucas(who must cry himself to sleep over the butchery of SW) seem to get it.


I only hope people vote with their wallets from this point on and make them pay for their hubris. That's the only thing that will change the direction of the franchise.

Unfortunately, whatever may happen to Kennedy and her team, they already have irrevocably burned the opportunity to do anything good with the OT characters. Just imagine a future Harry Potter sequel series that doesn't even give "the trio" one on-screen reunion. That's the level of stupidity and arrogance that Kennedy's Lucasfilm just pulled off.


Imagine a HP where a mature Harry tries to kill one of his pupils and then goes into a cowardly hiding. A young, homeless person gets Harry's wand and starts using magic/spells at every opportunity despite not knowing about magic AT ALL and never being taught or training in the use of magic. The film depicts them never going to Hogwarts to learn, rather them conveniently knowing the correct spells when they are needed.

Ron, now a coward runaway dies at random to his son, the new Voldemort (Ronemort) but Hermione is now the new leader of the Ministry - she has done very well for herself.

They then proceed to beat the new Voldemort alone on their first try and then beat Harry himself once they find him and decide that he is a coward. Harry then dies from being tired.

This all happens in the span of 3 days.


Brilliant examples! You've made the absurdity even more obvious than I did.


Best post I've seen on the internet in weeks.


Still can't believe they made new Star Wars movies with none of the original three together. It's really shocking... My 10 year old self would never believe me. It's just really outrageous !


This post is amazing. You sir won the internet!


Heartbreaking is an accurate description.


Although Mark might not be weeping because he's sad about his character being butchered, you can see how much he is affected by this role and how much he cares about it. It *is* his role and his character, which makes RJ ignoring everything Mark comes up with all the more perplexing. Many directors would be happy about an actor giving genuine input on their role -- RJ just brushes any suggestions off in favour of his 'vision'.


All of this Jake Skywalker stuff could actually have worked if the new lead characters would be likable.
But they're not.
