MovieChat Forums > pzogel > Replies

pzogel's Replies

"It's stylistically designed to be that way and you can't undo that, but we can diminish the effects of it." - Jar Jar after first test screenings. The trailer is enough of an indication for me. I'm simply not interested. All I can say is that I'll be contributing my part and not see it at the cinema. I can only encourage anyone else to do the same. The TFA trailer was actually good (much better than the finished movie). This one looks desperate and all over the place. A very poor trailer and most likely fully reflective of the quality of the full movie. Either Rebel Wilson or Melissa McCarthy should play Walker, in order to show that climbing mountains is perfectly possible even if you're morbidly obese as long you are a strong independent woman, who doesn't take shit from anyone. Seems likely. At least it's the crap writing a hack like JJ would come up with, especially if another hack (by the name of Rian) has written him into a corner he's unable to get out of otherwise. TLJ got rave reviews too. Not gonna believe one bit of it this time. I don't care about that, I just expect it to be a garbage movie based off my experience with TFA and TLJ (and the trailer). It was all just a dream. It's JJ's hack writing after all. I had to throw up a little when the 'CSI: KFC' line came up. Rian Johnson has to be the worst comedic writer of all time. Ever since T3 got pooped out, after every dogshit sequel there's a newfound appreciation for the dogshit sequel that came before it, looks like this one is no exception. JJ will retcon the Snoke fight so that Rey was just toying with him. Rey will easily solo the fourth Death Star and Palp along with it, don't worry. You think the most powerful Sith lord that ever lived and who studied the powers of the dark side his whole life is a match for some girl who discovered the force roughly two weeks ago? Calling JJ's and Rian's hack writing a convoluted fan fiction mess is an insult to fan fiction. Solo was already filled with fan service and pandering (Maul). It's curious IX follows the same approach though considering how poorly Solo did despite those efforts. A generous 1/10 Episode II is easily the worse one. TPM at least had Liam Neeson, Darth Maul, the Podrace and looked somewhat 'real' for the most part. AOTC on the other hand looks really fake and cheap throughout the whole movie, some scenes (factory, clone battle scenes) look like they're straight out of a videogame and the script/dialogue as well as the acting are horrible. AOTC lacks almost any sort of redeemeable qualities. Hopefully Rose Tico: A Star Wars Story is exempt from this, I'm sure that'd be the one people would be most interested in. Get yourself Harmy's Despecialized edition. You're right, there is actually a slight resemblance. Clean shaven and with a different haircut he'd fit at least better than Ehrenreich. On the other hand the guy is almost 7ft which makes him basically uncastable (think of him next to Emilia Clarke...). I think he overachieved with TLJ, the hate rate is probably closer to 60%