MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Kylo Ren is actually far more annoying t...

Kylo Ren is actually far more annoying than Anakin

YES, I just said that. While poorly-written, contrived, poorly-acted and just cringe-worthy, you could at LEAST say that Anakin's whiny, murderous vendetta had a PURPOSE behind it. Hell, the kid was torn away from his mother at a young age, discovered she'd been tortured and enslaved in the interim, watched her die in his arms and had serious abandonment issues. All badly-written but it was still there.

With Kylo Ren...what was it? "Oh, I feel a darkness. I want to be like my grandfather even though he turned back to the light side in the end". His role is senseless--his motivation poorly-written and paper-thin.

I can't believe I'm saying this but Hayden's Anakin annoyed me far can't believe I just said that.


Yeah, Anakin's turn to darkness was understandable. It was just poorly written. If Lucas had someone else writing the script, the movies would have been fine and made sense. I'm still trying to figure out why Kylo is evil. Being the child of Leia and Han sounds pretty cool. Where's the angst? What's more, Anakin seems far more competent. As whiny as he is, he was still a very powerful warrior, so some of his arrogance was warranted. Kylo doesn't seem very skilled or very powerful, especially for a Skywalker. He's just a spazz.


Kylo definitely doesn't appear to be all that skilled or even intelligent.

Kylo had family and opportunities afforded to him. He CHOSE to rebel and flee a comfortable life. Anakin chose as well but at least the poorly-written story shows that he had family stripped away from him tragically and, while idiotic, his quest to "save" Padme was rooted in good (if not selfish) intentions.

He was at least given a humane "purpose" for his turning to the dark side, however horrid and misguided the writing was. With Kylo--he was the son of royalty--meaning HE was royalty. His family was on the light side. From what we can gather, he seemed to have the "daddy issues" complex to some extent and also felt "betrayed" by Uncle Luke. They even wrote in a horribly-contrived and out-of-character moment for Luke where he considered killing Kylo.

Anakin's motivations were clear--they were just poorly-written and badly-handled. Kylo's motivations are clear as mud, contrived and erratic.


I'll tell you why Kylo works. It's because Kylo's whole source of bitch-energy is entitlement, looking artfully mussed, manufacturing woes from the relative safety of space-suburbia and bemoaning life, the universe and everything in it. *This* is what current Star Wars kids can relate to. They can't relate to *actual* issues.

TLDR: kids these get off my lawn!!


Dteam6, stop going on about the Prequels and Anakin being "badly-written", it WASN'T. I understood exactly what was going on and what Anakin's issues were, there's no problem there at all. But other than that, yes, Kylo Ren is WORSE.


If you're seriously trying to make the case that the prequels are anything other than garbage, you have your work cut out for you. They plod along toward a foregone conclusion, and rely on the audience knowing what's coming next rather than provide a reason to believe. Each step of the way, the characters change their beliefs and behavior not based on anything in the script, but because it has to be that way. Anakin has to end up evil, so he does. The Jedi have to end up dead, except for Yoda and Obi Wan, so they do. None of it follows any logic, none of it is believable, no reason is given for any of it other than "at the start of Star Wars it was this way, so at the end of the prequels it has to be this way."


Was I talking to you?? NO.


They weren't badly written, true, just simplistic and a bit ham fisted.

Now some of the dialogue, though, was atrociously written.


Was I talking to you?? NO.


You weren't talking. You typed.


Kylo Ren ist just a token for an evil white male with thin privilege. No further motivations or characterisation needed.
