MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Just saw it, generic sci-fi movie. Leave...

Just saw it, generic sci-fi movie. Leave impressions here! *no spoilers*

Just came back from seeing it. I have a movie pass so I didn't really wanna boycott this movie because it would just hurt myself.

Anyway, on topic : The movie was bland and sometimes even boring. Nothing really interesting happens and nothing of interest is explored. I sometimes even forgot that I was watching a Star Wars movie. Alden Eihrenreich (or whatever) plays a fun and cool character, just nothing like Harrison Ford's Solo. Which is the least of the problems of this movie. Lando is a disappointment, he is hardly in the movie. The droid is annoying. Calling for 'equal rights' for droids. Like really? It was just distracting.

The plot is bland and generic. Its just a sequence of events. It has no real focus or heart. No soul. It does nothing to deepen or explore the Star Wars lore or mythology.
Lando's pan-sexuality shows a few times, but nothing extreme. There is a moment where the droid makes a comment about Lando being in love with her, which is really weird and awkward, but thats about it. It is a better movie than The Last Jedi, but I think The Last Jedi is more interesting (in the way it destroys Star Wars).
The SJW stuff is not really noticeable (except from the droid, but its not that bad, just a bit annoying). So people boycotting this for the SJW aspect can stop it and relax. Just boycott it because its a disappointing movie and Star Wars deserves better.

The hamfisted cameo from a fan favorite character in the end was pointless and stupid. That really turned me off. Especially if they plan to make a sequel to this.

Thats my opinion from JUST seeing it. Maybe I'll change some viewpoints after a while, maybe I won't. I am interested in what other people think though. Rogue One for me is still the best Disney SW movie. I would say TFA was better but TLJ killed that movie aswell. So now it looks like Rogue One is the best they can do.

I think I would have preferred Phil Lord and Chris Millers take on it. Maybe the movie would be kinda weird. But atleast it would be SOMETHING. It would atleast have a directors stamp on it. They are good directors and I like their movies. They are never generic and bland. Its a shame we are never going to see that version. Lets hope Lucasfilm hires a good director for their next spinoff (thats not the sequel to this fucking thing).

In short : its a 'meh' movie. You can easily wait and watch it somewhere else for cheap/free. There is no amazing scene or something epic that you NEED to watch (Nothing like the Darth Vader scene from Rogue One as example). Nothing happens thats maybe spoiler-y. I'd say avoid it and watch it for free in a few months. Just so you won't support this.
Star Wars movies deserve better quality than this. I've seen cutscenes from Star Wars games that are better than this. Lucasfilm needs to stop playing it so safe and start listening to the fans. Start making movies for the fans, just like Marvel is doing. Respect your audience. Trust in them that they are fans and that they know the Star Wars lore, and go ahead and use that and build the mythology.


I share the same sentiments. It wasn't terrible like I thought it was going to be, but it wasn't good either. It was just 'meh'.

Nothing of note happened in the film and it hardly seemed like a SW film at all. I saw the midnight showing and struggled to remain awake at times.

The sjw stuff isn't as intrusive as first feared, more a little annoying - but not in your face.

It wasn't a disgrace like tlj however.


Yeah agreed. I just saw a regular screening since the movie is been out for a day here in the Netherlands. The theater was less than half full and the audience seemed bored. No real laughs or anything.
The movie wasn't engaging or even fun. It was just meh. I can't believe the reviewers that say that this was a 'fun summer blockbuster'. because it wasn't. It was overly long for what kind of story they wanted to tell and the pacing was horrible. Nothing memorable.

Its not bad. Certainly not horrible like TLJ. It didnt break Star Wars. The thing is just, it made zero impact. Like, your life and how you view Star Wars or care for Star Wars doesn't change when you see this movie. You will feel exactly the same when you come out of the movie as when you first come in.
Its something you see once and then never again.


Agree, there is no reason to see this one again.



You are not getting what I am trying to say. But then again you might not be a fan of Star Wars. Just saying this movie makes NO impact on anything. Unlike Rogue One for instance.
''fun stories with heroes and villians''? this movie is boring as FUCK.



I am not a fan? You don't even know me mate. I don't have to prove shit to you. If I was not a fan, would I really care so much for this shit? No. You won't see me on message boards of Transformers or Xmen or Fast & Furious or Justice League. Because I don't give a fuck about those movies. Do I care about Ghostbusters? No. I don't give a fuck about Ghostbusters and you also won't see me on those boards, even though that movie is riddled with SJW bullshit. So if that really was my problem, why aren't there?

You have proven to me that its impossible to have a conversation with you. I can't really make my points clearer or easier to understand, so I'll leave it at that.



I said you MIGHT not be a fan. If you are a fan, fine. That only makes it more illogical as to why you don't understand what I am saying.
I don't understand why we are talking about SJW bullshit when I clearly said in my post that :
''people boycotting this for the SJW aspect can stop it and relax. Just boycott it because its a disappointing movie and Star Wars deserves better.''
Because the SJW stuff in this movie IS NOT MUCH. There is hardly SJW stuff in this movie.
SJW stuff is hardly present in this movie. How many times do I need to repeat myself?

You get it now? I don't dislike this movie because there is SJW stuff in it. I DONT CARE. The movie is just boring as fuck with or without SJW shit.



My expectation were very low going into this. Its an okay movie and well directed. Its just (for me) very boring and doesn't add much to the overall story or even to the character of Han Solo.
The movie just doesn't prove its existence. When I look at a movie like Rogue One, I can see the relevance. It tells you more stuff about the Death Star, how its build, where its build and why the stupid hole in the Death Star was there. It gave more lore and backstories into the grand mythology (like the Guardians of the Whills, Kyber Crystals etc) It showed life on planets under Imperial control. It even showed terrorist movements. It gave us awesome action scenes (the last 30 mins of this movie is insane) and that Darth Vader scene was brutally epic. It also ties in Episode 3 with Episode 4 abit more.

In short, there is just so much to love about Rogue One (for me). With Solo the only memorable thing I can think of is the meeting of Han Solo and Chewbacca. The rest is just bland and generic.

So yeah maybe I expected too much from it. I just wanted more Star Wars and all I got plot wise was a generic sci-fi story. I even forgot I was watching a Star Wars movie a few times. If you liked the movie thats also fine. I didn't mean to attack you. I'm just voicing my disappointment and trying to explain what I disliked. I hope to inform people and start a conversation. I still disagree with you on the SJW topic, but since we are at a standstill on that, lets just say agree to disagree..



For me it does not have to have connections to the OT so much as you'd think. It just needs to be interesting enough to justify its existence. It has to feel like 'This is a story worth telling'. But it just didn't give me that feeling. We know Han Solo enough. His character arc is over. He is not even in the list of my favorite characters.

The Pandosexual thing ultimately doesn't matter and I don't care for it. The story arc of the droid was just annoying to me, it didn't offend me. You can call it a different sense of humor if that is what they where going for. I just wanted to comment on it because that shit was at the center of the controversy past few days so I thought i'd touch upon it. Its in there. Some people might notice it, some people might not. I just shake my head at it, others may be infuriated. You seem to not see it or care about it, which is fine.

I hope we can come together some day with a different Star Wars movie and agree upon it and cheer for it.
Meanwhile enjoy your day and talk to you in another thread/discussion.


That guy is a total jackass - don't bother, ignore him.


The hamfisted cameo from a fan favorite character in the end was pointless and stupid. That really turned me off. Especially if they plan to make a sequel to this.

Care to share who it was (in spoiler tags)? I'm not planning to see it.


Sure. [spoiler] It was Darth Maul. [/spoiler]


Thanks and lol. Not sure who thought it'd be a good idea to shoehorn this guy into the movie.


The way they do it is pretty weird too. Like, no explanation at all as to why this character is even there, doing what he's doing. [spoiler] they even use the voice of the guy from Clone Wars and Rebels. So not even his actual voice from The Phantom Menace. Its so weird and illogical. [/spoiler] Whoever made that call should be fired.



Well, I was used to the kind of ending Rogue One did. And to think about it, NOBODY wanted this movie in the first place. Like, nobody was ever talking about having a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford. So to think that nobody wanted this movie, to then go ahead to make a sequel nobody wants, is kinda stupid. Don't you think?
A sequel nobody wants, to a movie nobody wanted. THATS the thing that surprised me.



Seriously? WTF.


Yeah I have no idea what they are going for with this character. [spoiler] Its even worse now we already know how he REALLY dies. Because of Star Wars Rebels. There is no arc for him. Its just stupid [/spoiler]


How long before Menace does this movie take place?


wut? dude, this movie takes place after Revenge of the Sith and before Rogue One.


I guess I have to see this movie for myself and decide (be my own judge) if the SJW/PC stuff is noticeable or not. Along with Lando being pansexual. I'm hearing different things. Mainly 50/50. Some say that Lando being pansexual is NOT in the movie AT ALL while others are saying it is and is VERY noticeable and distracting. Then others are saying that all the SJW/PC stuff is way too noticeable and ruins the movie while others say it's not there AT ALL or isn't too bad. And the some of those saying there is SJW/PC crap and no sign of Lando being pansexual are the ones that are all for SJW/PC crap in movies and are looking out for it. Even some anti-SJW/PC people are also saying there is none of that stuff and aren't complaining. So it's hard to tell who to believe. I'll have to see for myself, although I don't give a crap about the stuff. I don't watch movies for the whole SJW/PC crap. I watch a movie for it's plot. But by the sounds of it, I might be disappointed, although sometimes I like plots I've seen a million times before, which is why I was one of the few that actually liked The Force Awakens aka A New Hope remake.


I wouldn't recommend seeing this movie (or at least paying for it). But its true that you would have to see it yourself to judge. I can tell you that the pansexual stuff IS in there. The droid L3 has a conversation with Qi'ra in where she literally says : ''I think Lando is in love with me, but its not mutual''. Ofc I am paraphrasing since I only saw the movie and the scene once. Qi'ra then responds kinda akward because she is also like 'wtf'. She then asks L3 ''how does that even work?'' In which the droid L3 responds with ''it just works'' referring to love or even sex with Lando and the droid. So yeah. Lando also calls Han 'baby' once and calls him 'cute' at the gambling table.

Sure the degree in which you can find something like this noticeable can vary from person to person, but it IS in there. There is no question about it.


It sounds like the droid needs to be in the Me Too Movement.



I would have loved it to be a joke, but the dramatic way Lando responded to alot of stuff regarding L3 makes me think it wasn't a joke. They way the droid says it is also waayy to serious to be a joke. The fucking droid even walks like a fat lady. Its just bullshit.



The writer literally said he was pansexual, and there's stuff in the movie about droidfucking - clearly you aren't looking at all.



Ok, thanks. Was about to go see it but I'll wait for the stream.


Its an okay movie to watch sometime, but you could just as easily wait and watch it cheap/illegal somewhere else when it goes on bluray/streaming service.
There is no rush-factor for this thing. There are no heavy spoilers that affect anything.



Liberal progressively made movie for robot rights and their rights to fuck humans or give sexual advancements in the time of #metoo. I swear it's gotten to the point where if it isn't gender dysphoria it's beastiality or some other form of fuckery they want to justify.

When you say the droid mentioned Lando being in love with her, is the droid a 'she' or was it referencing to someone else? I'm guessing the droid since you felt awkward and fucked up weird.

They don't make movies for fans really no more. They make it for world audience of every race and creed and fuck-uppery if possible.

I'm watching it early morning tomorrow so I guess I'll find out sooner or later how generically bad it's turned out to be. Disney sure ruined a great franchise and killed the lore and mythology with generic battles, storyline and other.


The droid is a female, yes. And the the droid said that she thinks Lando is in love with her (the droid).
I mean it didn't offend me or anything, it just came off weird. Maybe its not my sense of humor, but sex with robots is not really that funny.


You're right. It should be enjoyable. ;)

I wouldn't mind a robot/holo wife/gf like the one in Blade Runner 2049. But at least SHE LOOKS human not an outright robot look... lol which I am assuming is what this 'she' robot looks like. Aka 3CPO hitting on Lando.


Yeah its a full on metal droid. Just like 3CPO. I also wouldn't mind it if they looked like humans. Just like Westworld for instance.


The kessel run was pretty amazing, took a while to get going though


Meh. 80% of the time I had no idea what was going on. It was shot and edited very messy. I mean it was cool and all but amazing is not something I would use to describe it.
