TandyMan's Posts

Props are too accurate. Odd bit of writing they didn't capitalize on. The car really is amazing. I liked it, but the dog was too cartoony. Will Smith being a better actor ruins this. I was hoping the show was gonna go in this direction: All Winner Season: Winner Prediction Current season isn't great. I knew Boston Rob was playing the fool. Did he not have a hitman on retainer? Looks like some of Ford's better acting in years. Harley Quinn is Jack Sparrow Renewed for THREE whole more seasons! Are Gordon's redesigned menus realistic? Is this show being forgotten? I'm a "side sitter". Am I a creep? One complaint: No undead turning The promos that made it look like a hybrid of 24/The Shield.... I liked it, but I didn't like it. Can we get a high 5 for leather wardrobe?