HollyGoLightly2013's Replies

What I really miss about IMDB message boards was that every board had regular discussions regularly regardless how unpopular or unknown the show, movie and/or actor/actress was. On here it's like pulling teeth to keep any conversation going with the exception of the General Discussion board. I think I'm just going to post here for now on. I'm now two episodes behind, so hopefully by now they've explained more. I think it may have something to do with Jack wanting to put the war behind him, and he associated his brother with bad war memories. I know some people voted for him only as a vessel to stop Hillary. They were never pro-Trump, only anti-Hillary. He was just the lesser of two evils in their eyes. They would have much preferred Gary Johnson; however they didn't think hey could beat Hillary. Had it been Trump vs. Bernie Sanders, Bernie would have won. Interesting...yes that is quite the difference. Balmy is a more accurate description of his naval time rather than hero. I've sometimes wondered if Bill secretly voted for Trump in the election. He wouldn't want to be out-staged by his wife, and her being elected (perhaps in his eyes) would do that. I haven't read this anywhere. It's just my own theory. Yes. You can see on the program he has so much remorse. He is trying to right the error of his ways as much as possible Yes it does. Also, LRH was a loser who couldn't get into the Navy so he invented his own, the Sea Org. It just's beyond my scope how people can follow these crazy lunatics who just pull these "religions" out of their a**. Agreed. This is really good! What's your take on Shelly Miscavage: hostage or dead? Next year is the 30th anniversary. I hope someone commemorates that in some way. Agreed. She's still bitter; otherwise she wouldn't have that podcast in the first place. This story line is actually pretty realistic. There are American girls who would give a guy the time of day (that they would otherwise ignore) strictly because of their accent. How could Peter NOT tell that his best friend was in love with his girlfriend/wife? I mean it seems like a sixth sense or gut instinct of some sort would have kicked in. As Mark told Juliet, he avoided her out of "self preservation." He knew if he got too chummy with her his feelings would grow stronger, and he was afraid he might let his guard down and cross a line. Last night's episode was all about a mom bashing podcast, targeted at Christy, which Violet created/hosted. Christy went to Violet to try and make amends, and while Violet did listen to what Christy had to say, she pretty much told Christy she never wanted to see her again. Violet was super bitchy through the whole ordeal. I never liked her character to begin with and was thrilled when the show started to focus more on Christy, Bonnie and their friends rather than the kids....especially Violet. I'm trying to remember that Christy had a previous history of being a neglectful mother, and Violet is still hurting and traumatized by that; however I can't get past her bitchy attitude. I was just thinking about this the other day while I listened to their Sirius XM channel. With me it's always changing. At different points it's been "A Day in the Life," "Let it Be," "I am the Walrus," to name a few. I don't know what it is right now. All of their songs are amazing!! You got me thinking now! I love the movie Julie and Julia, but I was never able to finish the book. I personally found Julie Powell to be a heartless individual who cared about no one and treated her husband like crap. I can see why Julia Child never wanted to meet her. Amy Adams' portrayal of her in the film is more likable. In addition Meryl Streep is always outstanding. Yea!! I Googled what year Watergate happened. ;) 1971? Retromogul you are correct! :) 1) Ronald Reagan begins his first term as President 2) Prince Charles and Princess Diana Marry 3) "Hillstreet Blues" premieres on TV Exactly! I hope they can figure out something for them. I feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath them.