HollyGoLightly2013's Replies

I agree. ABC quickly renewed it for another season based off the premiere alone. Jimmy Kimmel did a skit about this last night for a show called "Dan," and before that skit aired he kinda said the same thing. I don't want to misquote him, but I recall he said something along the lines of ABC not having much right now, and this was their highest rated show. I think there's a lot of emotion flowing at the moment, so once things calm down (if they even do) we'll see what happens. I mean Goodman, Metcalf and Gilbert will be able to go other projects, but what about the rest of the cast and crew? I know life isn't fair, but I just don't agree with punishing everyone else for one person's actions...especially when there's money on the line. Sara Gilbert worked so hard to get this back on the air. Yeah, I've heard some messed up things about Louis B. Mayer. He did not look after the stars at all. They were merely a means to keep him rich. I believe he's even responsible for Judy Garland's pill addiction. I haven't read all the comments, but I was wondering the same thing myself. They've known about this for decades and even gave him an Oscar, but NOW they want to kick him out? I'm glad he was kicked out, but this also displays what hypocrites the members of the Academy really are. I thought she did though. I remember Heidi came over, and Lauren asked her how she would feel if someone started a rumor about her that was so bad it made her wish she was dead, or something like that. You know, I do remember you now. I remembered talking to someone about "Breakfast At Tiffany's" in the past, but I had no recollection of the user name. Additionally I thought your user name looked familiar, but I figured that was because I've seen other posts from you before. Now the mystery is solved! I totally agree about the lack of snarky people. I don't notice that so much either. I do however notice trolls on the General Discussion board a lot. Now in all fairness, I never posted on the General Discussion board on IMDB, so there very well may have been more there. When I lurk on here though I see topics such as "I hate Trump" or "What I ate for breakfast" and stuff like that. I mean seriously: they can go have those conversations on Facebook. These are just my opinions though, and I know those types of topics and people will never go away. I just can't choose to focus on them rather than the people who do want to effectively contribute to this site, such as yourself. I'm not here to fight with you either. I don't even know you, but I didn't see this as light. I figured you were not happy with what I wrote and felt the need for rebuttal. If I did know you and your personality however then I would have responded differently. The part which red flagged me was the part about the lecture. I took that as sarcasm. That's a problem with communication mediums such as these which is no one's fault--it's just the way it is. To be honest I agreed with what you wrote. Yes, the message boards do appear to have frequent activity. However, what frustrates me is the things I post on get either very little response or no activity at all. On the contrary, when IMDB's message boards were around, they would have been regularly active despite the popularity (or lack of) what ever the movie and/or film was. I've been trying to be patient and let this website pick up. Somebody once suggested commenting in the General Discussion section whenever you post on a movie's page. That way others will be aware in case it gets knocked out of "trending." I therefore tried that here and instead received a lot of comments about "Back to the Future." That did annoy me, because there really was no point to place that HERE. If no one wants to talk about "You Again," fine. If you want to talk about "Back to the Future" however go post on their page. I just feel like General Discussion is the only place you can get others to regularly interact with you as opposed to one of the film or TV pages. I've seen others post the same concern, so I know I'm not alone. I am aware though that there are users such as yourself who do make an effort to keep the individual message boards active, and for that I'm appreciative. Look at what you wrote in your comment. “There. MY lecture is over. How about you?” Don’t call it a lecture if it’s not one Margo. Sounds like you can’t decide if you’re lecturing or not. That was a lecture? Cute. Touche' Are you not bright enough to pick up on that? No? Comment on the message board pertaining to the movie rather than one which has nothing to do with it in General Discussion. Last time I checked all three movies had their own discussion boards. I came on here to talk about "You Again," and you all decided to talk about "Back to the Future" instead. There are message boards "Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3; however you all chose to discuss this on the General Discussion board under a topic that has nothing to do with those three films. If you all wanted to talk about "Back to the Future" so bad then you could had your conversation on one of their three message boards. This is why I barely post on MovieChat anymore. The only way you can have a conversation with someone is to post in General Discussion, and most of those discussions have nothing to do with film or TV. It's just bored people looking for someone to interact with them. If you post on the board of an actual movie or film you'll get one comment (maybe two if you're lucky), and then it all goes dead again. It seems like the majority of their users are trolls anyway. I feel like Joanna was thinking, "If I'm nice and pretend like nothing ever happened then perhaps Marni will too." I know how someone was as a teenager does not necessarily reflect who they become as adults; however when you've suffered bullying to that degree I think it was very presumptuous of Joanna to assume Marni would just forget about it or go along with her charade. Doing a complete 180 of who you use to be doesn't mean that the past pain you inflicted gets wiped away with it. Joanna didn't necessarily need to apologize, but I feel like she should have acknowledged Marni's feelings. Just a reader. :) Thanks for the suggestion! I see where she's coming from. It's the same premise for when you are out at a bar or club with friends and a person keeps trying to talk to you whom you're not interested in. Sometimes being polite yet distant doesn't work, because the person still reads your attitude toward them as you being nice and therefore will continue to hang around and try to converse with you, thus not taking (or acknowledging) the hint that you are trying to politely get away from him/her. Sometimes you really just have to be an a**hole or b*tch to get away from someone. It's not pleasant; however sometimes it's the only thing necessary to get someone to leave you alone. Unfortunately there really are "Christian" people who act like that, and I felt the movie portrayed that realistically. From the moment Paul first brought her to Bible study you could tell that his friends' friendliness was forced and disingenuous. They were dismissive of her, because they all wanted Paul to end up with Kelly. That's also why his mom took an instant disliking to Gwyneth. What I thought was really mean was when the three ladies got up and dressed Gwyneth's first morning in Mexico and didn't even bother waking her up or anything. Gwyneth addressed later with Paul the fact that he was only with Kelly, because he felt pressure by everyone else. He was definitely annoying, but in my opinion he wasn't so obnoxious that he should have been disliked the way he seemed to be. Very well said. I'm a little behind, so I need to get to listening again!