HollyGoLightly2013's Replies

That's what I think as well. I thought that they gave you the option of entering it in or leaving it blank, but I guess I was wrong. It's been so long I don't know if I'm remembering it correctly. He really was the face of TCM. It won't be the same watching without him there. He also does the voice over on The Great Movie Ride at Disney World. May he rest in peace. He was definitely a friend of films. Thanks. I don't know why they decided to change what was accessible on a person's profile, but then again look at what they did to the message boards. I wonder how this has really affected them. You know I never noticed that before! Most likely they sold a bunch of items in an estate sale or something like that. Awesome!! This board stayed regularly active on IMDB. I hope all of those people make their way back here. Yeah I can see Wayne or Nick coming up with something like that. That was such a successful franchise for Disney, and they kept the 3D show up for years. I am looking for things to post on the site, and I just got to thinking what would they be inventing and doing today. Are they really closing the message boards for only one year (like a trial run), or were you just simply saying they should put that message up regardless, so as to not get users worked up? Your suggestions are very good by the way. I watched this on Nick at Nite in the nineties, and as an adult I appreciate more what Mary Tyler Moore did with this sitcom. "It was a groundbreaking show to see a thirty year old single woman who was happy with her life and not desperate to find a husband." That quote sums up what was great about this show perfectly. I even like the fact that the series did not conclude with her "white knight" showing up and "rescuing" her from her singleness. She was the same, happy single lady at the end of the series that she was at the beginning. I've gotta say "Well done!" as well. I remember watching Emma Stone telling the press that she was holding her envelope the whole time, and my mom and I both knew that wasn't the case. We had seen her on stage with the Oscar but no envelope. Her adrenaline was pumping with excitement from everything that had happened and was happening that she probably thought she was holding it. You broke down the specifics very well here. It seems weird to me that it took 89 years for a blunder like this to happen. It very well could be a stunt; however I would like to think that people know better than to pull a stunt like that on the BP winner. I loved "La La Land" and wanted it to win, but I've also heard great things about "Moonlight," and am interested in seeing that as well. I agree with what everyone has said on here. The mother was really bitchy and racist, and it irritated me when she accused Dorothy of it the first chance she got. I wish Dorothy would have thrown the accusation back at her and pointed out how she referred to her son as a, "skinny white boy." Then again I understand why that was not written into the script. Hello to you too! I love the feature Moviechat added which shows you what is trending right now! I think the site is starting to pick up! I wonder when IMDB is going to realize what a mistake they made, Lol! What did you guys think of Chloe and Christy coming back? Even though I think Chloe deserves better than Abby I am happy to see them. I always liked her, and Christy cracks me up with her snarky remarks! However I feel like this is a ploy to get the ratings back up, in addition to bringing Kathy back. I say that because honestly I started losing interest in the show after Maddie and Mackenzie left. I enjoy Nia and Holly, Jill and Kendall, Kira and Kalani and others I'm missing who have spent a lot of years on the show; however I was not really interested in the minis, and a good chunk on the program seemed to be devoted to them (they're precious and talented though!). I am just assuming others felt the same way I did, but I could be wrong. It's just my opinion. What do you think? Yay! Someone else on here!! I agree with what you said. IMDB had years to build up their message boards, and it has not even been a week since the boards shut down. I think it will take some time, but like you said people can come on here and pick up the conversation right where they left off. :) I found out about this two days ago, and it looks much more promising than the other alternative sites. Once this site is at 100% it will be worth it! I posted something on IMDB's Facebook page, and on few IMDB message boards over the weekend.