Seems like a weak lynch-pin plot point to swing a whole movie around

Wanda wanted to kill a girl so she could go to another dimension and kill her other self and take her children.
Why doesn't she just get pregnant and have her own kids?

Also - I assume (if she's still alive) that she'll be kicked out of the avengers.

Also - where's her twin brother. Did he get killed?



2 imaginary kids that only existed a couple days


My thoughts exactly.. plots in most Marvel movies take a second banana to special effects.

and the ongoing theme of "Are you happy?" just was a little off to me...I mean SOMETIMES we are sure, but being happy all the time, it just isn't in the human condition.

Life is hard for most.


She'd have to be crazy to do all this to get to two imaginary children who only existed for a couple of day!

Well, she is crazy. That's well established.


Also - where's her twin brother. Did he get killed?

You've never watched Age of Ultron?


She already got pregnant and had the kids, and then they were killed. It's not like she can get her sons back by having two more kids.

Her brother was killed in Age of Ultron.


Wanda can't have children with Vision, since Vision was basically a machine.

After Vision died Wanda altered the reality to have kids with Vision, that was probably always her dream. I don't think they were created in few days. I think she gave birth to them and watched them grow up in her reality.

So I think it is quite normal for her to want her kids back and not wanting another man.

Also with her power, what man is good enough for her? She is basically a god like being now.
