what is the point of the multiverse?

When I first heard of the "multiverse" I thought...ok it might be a way to bring in the Xmen and the FF into the MCU.
But now they are going bat shit crazy with the idea.


That's pretty much why you do it. Go bat-shit crazy.


I don’t even know what is so batshit crazy so far. We have one animated show about different universes and a Dr. Strange movie featuring it. Maybe Spider-Man will have Tobey and Andrew in the next one… and that’s it.




Wandavision didn’t have anything to do with the Multiverse. They teased it but that’s it.

And yeah, I guess the Multiverse cane back in Loki but it’s hard to say they did anything with it since the TVA’s whole point was making sure that didn’t happen.


I like the idea of it cause I started reading Iron Man comics a few years ago and wouldn't mind an alternate universe Tony Stark/Iron Man who lost his love interest Janice Cord to the supervillain Crimson Dynamo. By the way her death in comics predates the death of Gwen Stacy by 2 years.


Call me bananas but this cast sounds pretty great and the first movie was really good

I'm not sure why they are calling it a 'multiverse,' it seems like a term a bunch of coked up ad guys came up with while eating sushi....fucking weirdos


Multiverse = Multiple universes.

This has been a general term for this concept for decades. It is a logical portmanteau which describes the entire concept in 3 syllables.


The point is to spin out another ten years of movies that make a billion dollars at the box office.

Really! But that doesn't mean it's a bad idea. It's like the Infinity Stones, it's an idea where you can tell a lot of exciting and enjoyable stand-alone stories which have a common underlying theme, where you can bring in all the main characters for a big-ass finale story, where you can have no end of fun by messing with reality, and where you can make each film required viewing for fans who want to understand the whole story.

It's all for profit, but that doesn't mean it won't be a fun ride. I don't know if the world is ready for ten more years of superhero movies, and frankly I doubt that it is, but I am. Marvel movies are fun! I like fun!


To bring in Fox film characters.



Only Reed Richards has the know how to crack the multiverse via the negative zone.
