91% on RT with

an average rating of 7.6. Pretty good with 188 reviews in so far.


More superhero trash getting undeserved good reviews by sellout critics who are there to help with the marketing, not to give an honest appraisal of films. I don't expect this one to be any better than all the other garbage superhero movies.


Then why do you bother with them?
Don't watch and don't waste your time posting about them.


They're ubiquitous. That's why. I never watch these superhero garbage movies because I've seen enough of them to know I hate all of them. And yet expensive marketing means you can't help but see advertising for these trash movies everywhere, all over TV, on streaming, and especially Internet. It makes me weep a little every time I see ads for them because I mourn what American cinema has degenerated to.


Hey, you sound like an asshole.



So when I asked "why do you bother with them?" you reply that they are targetted for losers? That sounded like you were calling yourself a loser because they are targetting the movie to you and that annoys you.


Well, of course. :) But RT score aside, it’s deservingly being hailed as one of the best films in the franchise by many and just being called a great standalone film overall. And indeed —it’s an absolute home run!

The usual detractors (especially up here) gonna hate as they do best. Welcome to the MCU, Shang-Chi. You what a debut!


i'm seeing it tomorrow afternoon. expectations are reasonably high.


Just home from seeing it. It's excellent. Enjoy!


good to hear. i'll let you know what i think in about 14 hours.


I just saw it today. Good movie, 8/10.


Right on.
Just grabbed my seat.

Will give u my thoughts in 3hrs.


Pretty good!


I wonder how much they're getting paid for them from the CCP.


Probably whatever they had left over after paying your mom for her services.


Wow. Did you come up with that all on your own? How old are you? 9?


None, China has basically rejected this movie and it may never release there.
