MovieChat Forums > Andor (2022) Discussion > How are we supposed to root for this guy...

How are we supposed to root for this guy?! He's a...

...cold blooded murderer. Not even in a cool way (Like Woody in Cold Blooded Killers)
He killed that cop with a point blank shot to the head with ill-intent, and get himself out of an awkward situation.
Not accidental like the other cop was killed.

There are over the top evil characters which the audience relates to and love to watch, like Darth Vader. But this Andor guy has nothing interesting going for him, character wise.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for him because he was kidnapped as a child?

Plus there is no suspense in any situation he gets in, because this is a prequel and we know he lives through everything.

I'm up to ep 3 and will give it to ep 5 before deciding on going on with it.


I like that the SW universe has an anti-hero.

Try to make it episode six. It’s really good.


Nothing wrong with killing corrupt cops who threaten you.


People cheer for Darth Vader, and look what he's done.


Well ya, I said in my OP that we like to cheer for DV because he is interesting, but this Andor character is boring as fuck.


He is kinda boring. Not sure if it's the actor, or the character.


It was a choice between trusting the cop who tried to rob him who says he won't report it and risk being crossed, arrested and imprisoned or worse or shooting the corrupt piece of shit and remaining free.

What makes Darth Vader interesting? His big black cape and helmet. His voice. He will just kill anyone he likes for the convenience of it.

You're trying to make an argument for not "rooting" for Cassian, who kills a couple of corrupt cops that tried to rob him and worse. And you toss in Vader, who kills people he suspects of lying to him. In fact he continues interrogating the already lifeless body of his victim. Are you rooting for this guy?

I imagine you thought it was clever making a fuss about Andor's willingness to preserve himself at the expense of corrupt officials and lying, double-crossing thieves.


In this latest episode he kills one of the other people from the heist because he suggested they steal the bounty together.

Maybe the other guy was only trying to test him, who knows, but Andor just gets up and kills him without giving thought to the situation.


You should stop at episode 3. Its best to boycott as many WOKE companies as possible. Of course some are impossible but Disney should be boycotted most definitely


Ya I stopped after Ep3 - not missing it.


Yet you're still visiting this thread to discuss it. Sad/


Don't you know that it's like totally cool to kill cops for like totally no reason at all.? I take it that you didn't participate in that totally groovy summer of love a few years back. You know, when the oppressed rich white kids burnt up cities, took over police stations, blocked off sections of cities, and then killed each other and no one could get in to help the dying people. It was like a totally bitchin' experience! It was so great of CNN to let the world know that we were mostly peaceful protestors while the cities burned. The best thing of all though was that despite people dying, and cities burning causing millions (possibly billions) of dollars in damages that no one was ever charged for anything because we were so loving, and mostly peaceful. Unlike those terrible January 6th ruffians! They deserve to be starved, flogged, and then some. They were mostly destructive, and totally deserve to rot in their jail cells!
