MovieChat Forums > Midsommar (2019) Discussion > Would you dare visit the country of Euro...

Would you dare visit the country of Europe 🇺🇸?

This movie is set in Europe. A region of the world where Arab Muslim terrorist roam free, a subway system that is littered with graffiti and killers. You will be lucky to get out alive. Poverty at unheard of levels, lawlessness, anti Israel, polluted, radioactive ☢️ from that Russian TV show and what you see in this film. A settling where Americans aren’t save. A setting where Americans are targeted for being the leaders of the free world.


Please provide examples of Americans being targeted in Europe (I'm not contesting your comment, I'm just wondering whether there's proof that it's true).


the OP is Russian ma'am.


Thank you, young lady.


My apologies I didn't know how old you were. Young lady then.


No problem, old maid.


Shut up bitch.


Sure thing, cunt.


That sounds like a nice slow, peaceful day here in Chicago. I'm heading over there to relax!


Have you had a stroke?


No, I have never had a stroke. How about you ?
Just so you know:
Genetic factors likely play some role in high blood pressure, stroke, and other related conditions. Several genetic disorders can cause a stroke, including sickle cell disease. People with a family history of stroke are also likely to share common environments and other potential factors that increase their risk.


No he's just another Russian troll coming out a vodka induced binge. They all sound like they're about to fall over dead.


Europe is a continent, not a country


The country of Europe 🇺🇸


Hello everyone my name is Porsche911 and I'm from Texas, California. I am often paid 10,000 rubles (0.02 USD) by my Kremlin agency to pretend to be American online. But not just any American, only as the stereotypical uncultured American who hates any nation that Russia hates. And when I roleplay as a western european, I roleplay as an ultra snobby and anti-American hostile European who hates Israel.

My reliable resources include Russia Today, Vladimir Putin, and Tucker Carlson's video in a shopping mall.

If you do not trust any words that I say then you are a filthy Jew conspiracy theorist who is a member of the Ukrainian conspiracy to take over the world.


You wrote and acted out a whole little script there and then mocked the other guy for role playing.


What I did was a mocking description of a group of people who deliberately attempt to spread disinfo. It was not acted, it was typed as we are on an internet forum. It will go over the head of most inbreeds though, understandably.


Hydrocephalus is a troll who thinks everyone who opposes billions to Ukraine is a Russian secret agent. 🤣

And even if this guy is Russian, Russia is part of Europe.


OnantheCocksucker IS in fact a Russian troll. You've been outed as one in several threads by different people. And like a typical slavshit, you gaslight anyone who outs you.

Also what we send to Ukraine is basically old hardware that already has a pricetag on it and costs money to be in storage anyway. Pull your head out of your ass and maybe you'd realize that.

PS, BeaSouth if you take the bait of a twat like Onan or anyone else working at the Kremlin, you are in fact dumber than I've thought and is one of the reasons why the Republican party is sinking.


I have been there many times. In fact, I hail from there. And let me tell you these people really need to learn how to do Blood Eagle better.
