didn't delight

My expectations were for this to be pretty funny. but, half way through, when I found very little actually funny, I skimmed ahead until I reached the predictable ending.

meh. wasn't for me, and not worth my time.
a bunch of well done musical numbers, I just didn't care about, a phoned in plot, just, meh.


I agree.... Will Ferrell is funny during interviews and skits, but very few of his films are great. This film didn't have many funny moments - it felt cheesy, hmm.... like most of his films? I dunno how he can so often be hilarious during interviews and skits, but have such shitty films...


I found it okay, there were enough amusing little trinkets, but a lot of the scenes felt waaaaay longer than they needed to be.

At least it was an outright mockery of the ESC.

The song she sang at the end was great, until I realised it's a chord-for-chord recreation of Never Enough from The Greatest Showman.


Same here i thought it would be funny but it never really 'got there' and at 2+ hours it felt like an eternity.


Not all movies need to be hilarious from beginning to end, and keeping track of a "laugh per minute" ratio.
This movie seemed more like it was trying to homage the Eurovision.


true. i feel the characters, the trailers, and such all set this up to be another comedy. he plays like a 40 year old live at home teen - kinda begging for comedy for that. and much was delivered as comedy. they could have played up the relationship more serious, and his father more serious, and the nemesis male less (comedic) serious...

but it did a homage very well!

heck, I'd NEVER even heard of Eurovision - thought it was made up to be like American Idol or something


When I saw Will Ferrell is in it, i gave it a hard pass. I can't stand him.


Just the sight of Will Ferrel's ugly mug on the poster drove me away. I can't stand that guy.


My incredibly detailed review:

Cookie Cutter.

Paint By The Numbers.

The acting was good.
The music was not bad.


Some funny parts.
Had some heart.

